Five Men

Please continue to pray for the Lord to raise up 5 strong Christian Samburu men in one village who can lead the church and spread the gospel to other villages. Pray for the Samburu church to be established in all parts of the tribe, which is spread over a vast area of north Kenya.

Scriptures Cherished

Please pray for the Lord to strengthen and encourage the Christians among the Rendille who seek to share the gospel more and more widely among the Rendille. Pray that the power and lure of Islam among the Rendille will be broken. Pray that the Scriptures will be loved, cherished, read, taught and obeyed in Rendille households. Pray for the Word of God to spread rapidly and be glorified.

Visiting Vet

Pray for an upcoming veterinary outreach clinic planned this month with one or our AIM missionaries in South Sudan who is a vet from California. Imagine the keen interest the Laarim cattle keepers will have in this! Pray for open hearts to the Gospel in addition to animal husbandry.

Gospel of Luke

Menja has finished translating the Gospel of Luke! Everything is written by hand and Jurgen still has to enter it into the computer. It is a challenge to determine which words can best be used. Some words such as synagogue or temple are unknown to the rural people. Prayer house or large church could be options but do not cover the full meaning. In such cases, Jurgen writes a footnote with an explanation about the word.

Menja is doing so well that we immediately asked him to continue with the second book of Luke, ‘Acts’. He has already finished 17 chapters.

Pray that many people will read or listen to the Word of God and believe!

Examples of Transformation

Please continue to pray that the Lord will strengthen the evangelists and pastors who live and work among the Rangi. Pray that the strong resistance to the gospel will be broken down. Pray that the Rangi people will see examples of people who come to Christ and whose lives are transformed by the gospel, and that these will be the leaders of the future. Pray for the Rangi people to have indigenous, reproducing, Christ-centered churches.

Growing and Planting

The Ndengereko are a people group who have a lot of contact with other tribes and who are growing in their willingness to consider Christianity instead of blindly following Islam. Please pray for the faithful African pastor who shepherds the Ndengereko church in a main village, that the Lord will enable his congregation to grow and to plant other churches in villages that still need the gospel.

Jesus be glorified!

We have received many invitations to come to villages to broadcast the Jesus Film. Could you please pray that the name of Jesus remain glorious in the hearts of these people when they watch the Jesus Film? Can you pray also for those that have already watched the Film, that the Holy Spirit will remind them about Christ and his perfect sacrifice, his love and also the condemnation that will follow those who don’t believe in Him? Pray that God enlightens many hearts to the truth of the Gospel.

Deep Understanding as they Multiply

The Datooga believers are faithfully taking the Word of God to many villages and shepherds’ camps where people still need Christ. New churches are being planted. New leaders are emerging and being trained, and Bible stories are being translated and recorded. Please pray that the Datooga churches will deepen in their understanding of the Scriptures and that the Lord will keep them Christ-centered and strong even as they multiply.

Diaspora in UK

Following Ramadan, the ladies have returned once again to the Sewing group, Mums and Toddlers as well as the Ladies English classes.
We thank God for the privilege of witnessing the baptism of an international student this past month.
Prayer requests:
God would prepare hearts to receive the Gospel that will be presented during the end of term parties (International Student ministry, Sewing Group and Ladies English classes).

May the Word Spread Across Tribes

The Borana believers are strategically spreading God’s Word to new villages in their tribe. The church is growing, and concern for other tribes who live near them is growing. Perhaps there will be Borana believers who will decide to cross cultures to the Orma and share the gospel among them, too. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to speed the rapid growth of the Borana church, and to make them effective witnesses to others who still are without Christ.

Diaspora in Portland

P. House summer classes are going well. Please pray for more students and volunteers to attend during our last two weeks of class and for meaningful spiritual conversations.
Our team has fervently prayed and tried to help a demon-possessed African gal who is immersed in a folk Islamic community here. Pray that our team will pray, speak, and act in such a way that this gal and her people will long for complete deliverance from King Jesus.
My Kurdish friend, Mr. “A”, was eager for extra English tutoring, so we settled on going through Easy English Matthew. Then his wife also wanted to be a part. We had great discussions! They suddenly returned to Kurdistan to be with a sick parent until the end of August. Pray that their interest in God’s Word won’t fade away!

Turn to Life

Pray for the Zigua people in Miono as our team will be showing the Jesus Film on Saturday night. Pray that the Holy Spirit makes clear the Gospel of Christ and that many turn from their sin to Life.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

Pray for our soccer tournament outreach and family picnic both on July 6. Pray that we will intentionally make friendships that will lead into sharing the hope we have in Christ. Ask the Lord to open many hearts.

Boldness in Christ

More and more Alagwa are meeting to read and discuss Scripture, and a team is doing an oral translation of the book of Luke. Pray for a breakthrough among the Alagwa people that would result in courageous bold faith in Christ. Pray that the Christians will know and love one another, and form new loyalties and alliances in Christ as part of His Body. Pray that the Spirit will work mightily among the Alagwa people.

Needing Rescue

Pray for a young woman whose mom and dad are currently working on an arranged marriage for her, and the wedding could be very soon. This devout Muslim man would not only take her far away to live, but is also insisting that she take Islamic classes to become a better Muslim. A Christian friend has spent countless hours talking with her about the relational God of the Bible, but she has not yet put her faith in Christ. This change of life could be how God saves her, but we are praying that if this would pull her further away from Jesus, that He would spare and rescue her from this marriage. The young woman and her Christian friend will meet again next weekend. Pray for wisdom about what to say. Pray for her salvation, and that of her parents and whole family.

Seeing the true Jesus

May each believer long to know Jesus… not the false idea of a loving Jesus who smooths over sin…but holy, just, merciful, loving Jesus, who died and rose to pay for and defeat sin. May each one turn to the Word of God and see who Jesus really is.

Diaspora in Europe

Please pray for the DREAM Teams in Jerez and Belgium as they complete on the 5th July and the Catania and Malta teams through the 12th. Pray for the many refugees, migrants and locals who have heard the Gospel. Pray for the new young Saharawi believer “Sarah” who accepted Jesus on the 23rd. Pray for follow up and discipleship

Confessing Jesus

Please pray for an Alagwa couple who are being discipled. They have decided to talk to their wider family and tell them they are following Jesus. This is a huge step. Please pray for them as they go (hopefully today), for courage and Holy Spirit boldness. Please pray for their family too, for open hearts to hear the good news of Jesus.

Like a Little Seed

Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ! Please pray for our new brother — A, he has just accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour this Friday! Please pray for his faith in Jesus Christ and the protection from our Lord, may this little seed be grown in his heart. Also, please pray for our follow up, we are planning to have a Bible study with him. May the name of God be glorified! Amen!

Breakthrough prayer for the O

Please pray, “Lord, please give the O eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to respond to the gospel of Christ.”

Join us in praying for that breakthrough of the first big O extended family group being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that they would become disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples of Jesus, who will make more disciples… Pray that a Church Planting MOVEMENT will begin in O-land! Now is the acceptable time, Now is the day of Salvation! (2 Cor. 6:2)



Indigenous Training is going well here at EnGedi, 67 people from 9 tribes. We are learning about Progressive Redemption from Rev Miller and Evangelism from Emma and Pastor Israel. The teachings are both great, not only learning the course but being sharpened spiritually. The Rangi, Alagwa, Sandawe, Masai, Nyatulu, Datooga, Iraqw, Hadzabe and Sukuma believers are being shaped this week. Pray for 30 of these men to be called to be pastors.

Breakthrough prayer for the Rangi

“Lord, may Your Spirit convict the Rangi of their sin, Your righteousness, and the coming judgment, in such a way that they can understand and believe.”

Study together on Sunday

Two Arab women and one Berber woman… (who each have heard and loved the gospel, but not yet surrendered to Jesus as Lord)… have said they want to study the life of Jesus. They all know each other through social media and two pairs have met. One begins studying this Sunday… pray for wisdom and courage regarding if they can study together.

Meeting on Saturday

Three young believing women all said they want to study how Jesus cares for the oppressed, the hurting…and none of them have family members living with them who believe. They are willing to meet… but depend on others for work/transportation. Ask for a growing desire for fellowship and for God to make a way. This Saturday they are all trying to make it work…

Pray for Light

We are searching for team leaders to lead a team to bring the Light of the Gospel to the Kanembu. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into this harvest field. The Kanembu are asking us to come. Who will go?

Birthday Party Fun

A team member had a birthday this week, so we hosted a party at her home, inviting several of the local girls to come and join us. It was a fun time with 10 local girls and a local Christian friend from church. After some games we ended the afternoon eating cake and watching the Jesus film for women. We gave out New Testaments to all who wanted them. One woman told a teammate that the movie touched her heart. Let’s pray that the truth of the Gospel seen and heard at this birthday party would stick with those who heard and be a seed that bears fruit unto salvation in their lives. His word does not return void!

Needing Heavenly and physical bread!

More and more villages are asking for Bible studies, which is awesome. Yet, the drought is very severe and more and more people are crying out for food!
Please keep praying for more people to share the Good news and that hearts would continue to open to Jesus! Also, pray for Rain!


The young couple, Doris and Alphossin, who started a small church in Tanamboa, are working hard to get the new believers mobilised. Now, there are plans to construct a new bigger building for the gatherings and activities. The building will become a central place where studies, worship services and other gatherings can be organised. Pray for God’s blessing on this little church!

Desiring Truth

A woman agreed to study the Word to see who Jesus is. Ask that she continue to desire truth and that she would ask someone to join her in reading.

Continued suffering

Please continue to pray for the Ndau who are piecing their lives back together again. Life continues in the outside world but they are still struggling. Please pray for the new believers to stand firm and resist giving up under hardship. Food continues to be a problem.

Accepting Grace

A team of Malagasy musicians and a doctor recently came to Nosy Mitsio to share the gospel through prayer, music, and a medical clinic. Pray for everyone who was treated, prayed over, and who heard the gopsel. Pray that hearts would be softened to accept Grace and Forgiveness and to turn to Jesus.