This is a very significant time for the Samburu. In August a new ‘Age Set’ will be initiated. Boys from all over Samburu will be circumcised and form the basis of the Age Set. They will begin their 14 years of being moran, the warriors and defenders of the tribe. Some of these boys are only 12 years old, the oldest ones may be 25 years old. Some boys from this area have seen the Jesus Film repeatedly. Some have believed in Jesus and two have been baptized. Pray especially for those boys, that they will continue to follow Jesus first throughout this time. Pray that this entire Age Set will seek to know God and that many will follow Jesus.
Interaction between communities
Pray for social integration and cohesion between the Christian and Mbororo communities, for trust and respect, an acceptance of different cultures and customs, and building of a community spirit among all the population. Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel effectively.
Message to the Shepherds
We thank Jesus for the number of shepherds who have come for fellowship every Sunday morning. There is usually a different group of people (nomads) gathering. But most of them get very interested in learning more about the work Jesus has done on the cross and the gift of Salvation. This week they watched a whole Bible Study about the King of Glory and all have the audio Bible with them to listen as they shepherd their flocks. Pray that by the teaching and by listening to the Word of God they will be taught by the Holy Spirit and become sons and daughters of God and not only receivers of the Great Message, but messengers of the King Jesus!
Identified As Christ’s
Many areas among the Nyamwezi had no representative of Christ- but they do now! Praise God! Pray for pastors and evangelists serving specifically among the Nyamwezi, that the Spirt of God would be poured out into people’s hearts. Pray for those Nyamwezi who do believe in the power and resurrection of Jesus Christ that their belief would move toward entire life conversion, “identified as his own”. (Ephesians 1:13)
Diaspora in USA
Pray for the right mix of international students and Americans to go on our annual camping trip to Mammoth Lakes in August. Please pray that the Lord will be preparing and softening hearts to be receptive to the Gospel News. Pray that those who know the Good News would be ready to share the right words and speak boldly as well. We could also use another driver or two.
Serving the Least in the Community
From a Rangi evangelist: Please pray for me this week. There is a mama called F. I began discussing with her about Jesus. Pray for her salvation. The second request is that you pray for two teenagers who are crippled and really need a lot of help. Also please pray for some Muslim families who want to send their kids to Christian school but need school fees.
Diaspora in Portland
Praise we had an amazing trip to the farm beneath the snow capped mountain of Trout Lake, WA. We had over 50 people from Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Turkey and Syria. There were many new people and some that were returning friends of ours. Please pray for deepening relationships with all those who came.
Please pray for us as we embark on our summer programs at P. House that God will grant favor with all those who are coming.
Please pray for the leadership change at the mosque in our community. Please pray that the new imam will be a man of peace.
School Opening Again
From a Rangi evangelist: “Praise the Lord I am able to travel by motorcycle for ministry. Please pray for the work of God here in the town of Busi. On Monday I will reopen the Christian school after the break. There are many children who want to attend. Please pray that all who want to attend are able to do so, and that the Lord will provide so parents can afford to pay the school fees.” (Most of the children are from Muslim families.)
Diaspora in Florida
DM has been asked to spend time with S., a sheik friend, while S’s children & wife are away this month. Pray for opportunities to share the Injil.
JM has sewing and cooking classes that meet at Hobby Lobby and in people’s homes. But we greatly need a place of our own for this work. Pray for a property and finances. Pray for the ladies who come to class to be open to the gospel.
Diaspora in Philadelphia
Please pray for a former Muslim ESL student who is starting to read the Bible with JF. Pray the Lord will speak and he will have ears to hear.
Pray for K to develop a significant relationship with the family of a young girl she will tutor for the summer.
Believers’ house burned
Our Zigua believers’ house burned to the ground yesterday. Most of their belongings are now ashes and they are forced to sleep in a small banda until a new house is build. Pray for Emanueli and his family. Pray for their encouragement and Emanueli would have many opportunities to share truth with his neighbors. Pray that this tragedy would be used for God’s glory.
Emanueli’s grandson was upset that his school clothes had burned. Yesterday we prayed with him that God would provide new school clothes for him. Today the clothes were found on their clothesline! His grandma had forgotten she washed his clothes yesterday and hung them out to dry before the fire. God’s so good.
Diaspora in USA
Please pray the US Breakthrough prayer with us: For the glory of God and the salvation of our Muslim friends, Lord raise up 10 new team members, 20 new long-term church partnerships, and 30 new Bible study groups.
Super Seminar
Pray for a church leaders’ seminar planned for next week July 29-August 1st. We expect about 30 men and will spend a day studying God’s plan for missions and another day on how to do inductive Bible study. Pray for the men as they travel and for real encouragement during our time together.
Diaspora in Brazil
Pray for the Portuguese class in Tabejara, Brazil that started with 17 students from Senegal. This was an answer to prayer because we were hoping for at least 5 or 6 students and we thought holding the class in a church building would be off-putting. However God has been good to us and He hears our prayers. Pray these Senegalese students would be open to hear and respond to the gospel!
Pray for the DR workers in Brazil and opportunities to mobilize churches to reach Diaspora.
Samburu Reaching Samburu
A very encouraging thing has been happening in Samburu land. Samburu pastors have been joining together to reach out to the Samburu people in a certain area where a small church already exists. Most of these little churches have only one or two men who regularly participate. What an encouragement for the Samburu men to see seven to ten pastors visiting their homes. Pray with us that these weekend outreaches will bear much fruit. Pray especially that Samburu men will join the Samburu women in praising God.
Reading the word
Pray for a young man “C” who has received a copy of Matthew in the Antakaragna dialect. He says he reads it morning and evening and it is his true friend. Pray that the Word will transform his life. Also pray for physical healing as he suffered a scuba diving accident 1 year ago and is working to regain the use of his legs.
Choose Life!
Pray for A, who repeatedly comes right to the edge of choosing to believe, but then falls back in fear and doubt. Pray that he would surrender to Jesus and receive Him as Savior. Pray that Jesus would make A a mighty disciple, who will make more disciples of Jesus.
Church Building Construction
After nine years of building the church in people’s hearts, the time has come to put buildings together so people can meet in the building! It’s been a month of a lot of excitement for two church buildings that are being set up in two different Gabbra communities. Praise Jesus that the Gospel has come to the Gabbra people and that many of them have received and believed in this powerful message. An elder recently declared to the missionaries saying: “We’re very grateful that God sent us you to tell us about the Good News. We were like blind people, now we know the Truth!” Pray for all those who are helping in the construction, pray that people will be witnessing God’s faithfulness as the work goes on, and pray for the remaining funds that we still need to finish these buildings.
Seek Peace
Pray for peace between villages in Lopit. Cattle stealing and revenge have made it to where people of certain villages cannot travel to other villages. There is an effort underway to make peace. Pray those involved would be filled with wisdom and integrity. Pray for the church and believers to be strengthened to pursue peace and seek reconciliation. Pray the Lopit would come to know the God of peace, and the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Paving the Way
Pray for resolution of a land issue in Mangasta village in order to pave the way for outreach there. Also, pray for Sandawe lay leaders who have been trained at the Indigenous believers seminar at Engedi, that the Lord would call them in new ways to use their gifts for discipleship and the gospel.
Be ready
A woman spoke about waking up in the night, afraid that she would die before her sins were forgiven… crying out to God: ‘Please forgive me!’ She has been reading the prophet stories online and was amazed that God accepted Abel’s sacrifice of a lamb. She spoke of judgement day coming and how we need to always be ready. God has been speaking to her and many others… may they not reject His grace! May each one feel the weight of their sin and may it lead to repentance!! She loved reading 1John 1… may she and many more find the truth of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus alone!
Proclaim the truth
Almost every child and adult can quote the ‘ayas’ from the Koran that deny the sonship of Christ, the death of Christ and the reliability of the Bible. Pray that these lies would be uprooted and that the truth of the gospel be welcomed. Ask that all believers proclaim: Jesus is the Word who is God! God’s Word is true! Jesus, the Word was made flesh, was crucified and rose again!
Trees planted by streams of water
Blessed is the one… whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1:1-3
Please pray for Bible study groups which are starting in 3 local churches. Pray for believers to be rooted in God’s Word, and that they would bear much fruit in the Spirit. Please pray that as they study God’s Word they would be equipped to recognise and reject false teaching.
They pray now!
I was encouraged just yesterday with the group of youth boys that I meet with on a weekly basis at my home, as I listened to all six of them share their personal prayer requests and without hesitation pray for one another. Two years ago if I would have asked one of them to pray, there would have been a long period of silence followed by most of them saying, “I don’t know how. ”
We praise God for his Grace in opening the hearts of the Laarim and drawing many to Himself. Pray for continued growth.
May the whole family come!
Praise God for a devout young Muslim man, and our dear friend, who has been listening to the Alagwaisa Bible stories and the Swahili Bible on an audio player. He came last night and said that he has been listening, and has questions. We encouraged him and his friend to come with their questions and we could talk together and he agreed. Earlier in the week, we asked his father, who also has scriptures on an audio player, whether he was ready to follow Jesus. He said he needed to ask his children so they could all decide together. Please pray for this extended family, where the mother/wife is already following Jesus, for all of them to decide to follow Jesus together. They are a key respected family in the area and the impact of a family decision would not only be huge for them, but for the wider community too.
Jesus film being shown again
We’ve started again, after a few months during the rainy season, showing the Jesus Film. Please pray that the film works in the hearts of Bara people, and the church of believers who watch may be strengthened, and the Bara saved.
There are many villages we want to go to. Pastor Emanoela, from Lutheran church, our partner, has taken on the task, he is going to show the Jesus film as well. Pray for him also.
A team recently did a Jesus film outreach trip in a remote village in our district. Praise God for the ways the Gospel was shared through a children’s program, evangelism, tracts, preaching, spiritual films about Jesus and faith, prayer, and well repair on 3 broken wells, helping to provide water in those neighborhoods. People seemed so hungry for the Word – God is at work in a mighty way in this village! There were 22 confessions of faith! Praise God! Pray for these new believers and their young faith to grow. Especially pray for 6 young middle school girls who came to faith and destroyed their charms from the local witch doctor! May they grow strong in their faith and trust that Jesus is better and stronger than anything they may fear and that He is able to completely save, protect, and sustain them through all things.
Sing Praise to Jesus
Today another one of our students prayed to Jesus with us and accepted Jesus as his Saviour! Amen! We have shared the good news with him many times before, however today was God’s timing! Please remember him in your prayers- may God protect him and guide him. May his faith grow in Jesus Christ! He is willing to read the Bible with us next time when we meet. Please sing praise to our Lord Jesus Christ with us!
Need to believe and follow
A young woman read Isaiah 53, Luke 23, John 3 yesterday … and spoke of unexplained peace, of getting ‘chills’ hearing: ‘Today you will be with me in Paradise’, exclaimed over and over about the beauty of Jesus… even explained the differences between the Muslim view of Christ and believing the Messiah is God… but she has not surrendered to follow him. Please ask that she and many like her will not only exclaim over the amazingness of Christ, but believe and follow Him
More churches being planted
Please pray, we are in the process of doing some church plants in and near Baragoi.
Ask God for provision and also for Him to sent laborers to this ripe field.
We are having a third trip in July, Lord willing. Pray for the Samburu churches to continue to multiply and stay vibrant and strong in Christ.
Growing camps: Boyo Gambo
In Obo, CAR there are two growing camps for Mbororo residents, named Boyo and Gambo. Gambo is the larger group and is located next to the airfield in the eastern AIM quarter of town. It has been amazing to see that they have sent many of their young children to the Don Linquist Elementary school situated on the CEEC compound. Pray that they will hear the Gospel in this school and respond.
Open ears Lord
So much scripture is being engaged with by the O: Several group Bible studies weekly, scattered visits in many homes, prayer, scripture and gospel witness in the clinics, as well as many requests for the memory cards containing 100 chronological strategic Bible lessons and songs in the O language. Pray against the rulers and authorities and powers of this dark world that keep people in bondage and from really hearing, perceiving, understanding and turning to Jesus to be saved and healed. Pray that many O will respond to the gospel!
Diaspora in Detroit
Please pray our team would be sowing regularly, boldly and broadly. AH has challenged the church based teams to share a Discovery Bible Study style story each month. Please pray that we would find out whose hearts God is stirring through this exposure to the Word.
Please pray for our summer Kids Camp happening July 16th-19th and our BBQ happening on July 21st. May many seeds be sown using Any 3, and those newly exposed to the ministry would desire to regularly visit with a new immigrant friend.
Holy-Spirit-Led Leaders
Please pray for rain. Pray for more strength and health for Christian staff as colds and flus have been going around during this time of drought and famine. Also please pray for more fully sold-out men and women who would be willing and called to leadership in the churches and that they would be Holy Spirit-led and grounded in the Word.
Small Groups Mighty God
We continue to ask the Lord to grow the numbers of those who are studying the Scriptures with us in our DBS groups. Please join us in praying that God would move in the hearts of those who are already studying with us to invite their neighbors and friends in. Pray that Jesus would use them as the catalyst for growing the groups so that by the end of the year, we would have 12 people studying with us regularly.
Reading but not believing
A woman just finished reading through the NT… but her sister came over and the two discussed how the Word has been changed. Pray that these women and all Berbers understand that God’s Word is true, that it reveals who God is through Jesus and His Spirit, and shows us how to love and obey Him, and how to be rescued!
Diaspora in France
Praise for 8 children who came to the last kids club. Next one will be July 15 (last one until the fall)…pray that the kids will come even though school is finished and they have no contact with the center during the summer.
Pray for diligence and God-ordained connections with previous contacts as well as new ones during the summer months.
Living in Lokeriaut
Please pray for Ambrose, a Ugandan missionary. He has recently moved to Karamoja, and has been invited to live in a village called Lokeriaut. Please pray for him as he makes the transition to life here, and begins to make friends and get to know his new community. Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel with the community in Lokeriaut and for God to open their hearts to receive Him.
Resisting the devil
Praise God for one Alagwa old lady who has been opening up her heart to Jesus for some time. She has struggled with demons for a long time, and is now clear and agrees that Jesus is the one who can help her. A team mate who has been talking and praying with her for a long time came to church with her last week. She was prayed for and one of the demons left. Later in the week she said the demons came and strongly said to her: “We don’t like that Jesus!” and she told them that she was with Jesus now. Please pray for her; there is a battle. May she continue to resist the devil, and see him flee. May she be completely released of all demonic holds on her life. May she come to know the love of Jesus more and more.
House church
Praise the Lord for our new open Sunday Meetings (house -church style). A few locals are attending it. Pray that it would be just one of many house churches that spread throughout our island.