Surveys here on the island these last few weeks have revealed three other villages open to hearing the gospel. The first village has offered to give a plot for missionaries to build their house on. The second village has offered a house for the missionaries to stay. The third village has openly expressed their desire to have a service held in their village every Sunday. We praise the Lord for these opportunities and need wisdom in organizing our time well. Praise the Lord for these new opportunities of ministry and pray for wisdom for our Malagasy missionaries (Melias, Lebaba, Noel and Jean) as they organize outreach to these villages.
Continue lifting up Tammy that the truth she has heard for so long and again last week, will work in her heart and mind. Ask the Spirit to woo her to Himself, flooding her heart with the love she has seen in workers and answered prayer in her life. Lift up her daughter who still has eating problems, but doing well in school academically.
Reading the Book
Pray for a friend that is in P’s English class and is her neighbor as well. This person said he was interested in studying the Book and asked for P to give him one in French. Since she did, he has been reading and studying it on his own. She is also now sharing audio files of the Book in his local language. Pray for P’s interaction with this friend and for his exposure to the Good News to change his heart.
Jesus Film follow-up
We have been invited to broadcast the Jesus film in many Bara villages. Pray that God will use the simplicity of the Jesus film to attract many Bara to Himself. We have shown the Jesus film together with Pastor Emanoel Blandino to more the 50 villages! Pray the people would think about Jesus, and his Salvation. We hope that the Jesus film opens doors to the Evangelists as they come and preach, and also to make people think about their own beliefs.
Lahoda outreach
Give thanks for a recent outreach in the village of Lahoda. People visited homes and shared the gospel with many families. They were warmly received by some, but not all. Most were eager to attend the evening meetings in which Christian films were shown. The population in this area is growing rapidly. Please pray the church will grow in numbers and in maturity.
The Outreach Team went to one of the remote Toposa villages where the persecution of new believers has been intense. The new believers gathered 500 Toposa to come for worship, singing and dancing. One of the new believers challenged the group to come forward with any information for WHY the Outreach Team should not be sharing Jesus in their villages. She spoke for 20 minutes and no one came forward. As a result, they all agreed that the “sharing of Jesus” would go forward without interruption. Pray for much fruit!
Lighthouse Keepers
Off the coast several kilometers, there is a lighthouse which can only be accessed during a specific time of the month when the tide is so low that there is enough open ground to walk out to it. There is a small group of local men who live there that we have been trying to make contact with. Recently, some Christians were able to walk out during low tide and briefly meet the 4 men who live out there and give them audio Bibles. They were not able to stay long as the tide was quickly coming back in and they needed to walk back to shore. Praise God that the group was able to meet the men from the lighthouse! Pray with us that they would listen to God’s word, that the Holy Spirit would help them understand and believe, and that God would open the door for future opportunities to meet and share with these men from the lighthouse. They live at a lighthouse, may their eyes be opened to their own need for the Light only Jesus can give!
Diaspora in Portland
Continue to pray for Mr. N., an Iraqi professor returning to teach in his homeland after a doctorate here in Portland. I gave him a Bible a few days ago, and he immediately began to read it there in Starbucks. We talked about how the Bible was arranged, and he intends to start with Genesis and Exodus and then go to Matthew. He was so open; I understand his wife is also. But… they leave in a few days. Some of us will have one or two chances to briefly see him again before his family leaves. Pray that Mr. N. will grow in understanding God’s Word, and be set free to follow Jesus, along with his whole family!
We have a team of seven AIC evangelists trained in reaching Muslims arriving on Monday for one week. We find this hugely exciting that our local brothers and sisters from Mwanza want to reach out to people in our area!! We are also praying that their work will be accompanied by a move of the Holy Spirit in the lives of people here, bringing many to Christ!! Please pray with us.
A Grandma brought into the Kingdom!
Praise Jesus for the work He is doing in one of the grandmas in our village. This past Sunday, she decided to make Jesus her personal Savior! Please pray she grows in understanding fully the Gospel of Christ. Pray that she will be rooted in truth and grace and will be a light in her household and community. Pray the Lord helps us disciple her in her new walk with Jesus.
Continuing to live for Jesus
Praise God for a baptised Alagwa believer who has featured a few times in PA. She has continued to live for Jesus in her community and people are asking why she is different. Recently, after teaching about discipleship, she was so encouraged that she also could be the one to encourage and teach others. Pray that she will find people to regularly disciple in her neighbourhood.
Pray that God would lead us to people who we can test the newly translated book of Mark with. Pray for boldness amongst all workers to ask people to read/listen to passages from the book, pray that we might get helpful feedback and that people would ask to hear more.
Children watching JF
Update from Rangi Evangelist: I thank the Lord that today many Muslim children came to my place to see the Jesus video. Please pray that these children will meet Jesus.
11 delivered!
Thanks for praying for our Dorobo prayer conference to break the stronghold of alcoholism among the older generation. We had three days of teaching and prayer and singing and evening films. We had times of confession and special prayer to break what they called “the curse” of alcoholism. At the end 11 men prayed to receive Christ and for deliverance from their dependence on alcohol. There were over 300 people attending. The pastors from the Omerae family (their family name actually means drunkard) were very encouraged. They continue to pray that their family would no longer be slaves to drunkenness, but that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Kids Camps
Pray for the kids camps starting this week in Canada and running through the month. Kids originally from North Africa, other parts of Africa, and around the world are coming to camp and will hear the gospel! Pray for open hearts, for more kids to enroll, and for safety at camp.
Missionary training
A missionary training for young Malagasy men has just finished in Nosy Be. Several of the participants are from cities like Diego Suarez and Ambilobe, which have large Antakarana populations. Pray that these young men would continue to follow God’s calling on their lives to full time missions. Also pray for provision for the many Malagasy missionaries who need financial support in their calling to unreached people groups like the Antakarana.
May blind eyes be opened!
False teaching has been sown and rooted into Karamoja ahead of the true gospel, keeping people’s hearts dull to the good news! Please pray for the strongholds of deception to be broken, that the eyes of the blind would be opened to the marvelous light of Christ. Please pray that each Karimojong has an opportunity to hear the true gospel.
Still suffering
People are still suffering from the devastation of the cyclone. Please continue to pray for the food distribution. The folks are still going to need help until early next year when they harvest. We praise the Lord for all the help that has come in enabling us to buy the food.
This month we are doing an assessment of the movement. Our teammate A along with 3 local leaders are visiting the remote groups and interviewing leaders and members to get an accurate picture of the movement. Pray that the believers would be encouraged by the visit and we would gain insight into how the new believers are growing and what their needs may be.
Freedom in Christ
From a Rangi evangelist: “There was a young woman named Haulatu who was tormented by evil spirits. I prayed for her and she was released, and continues to walk in freedom. I shared about Jesus with her and she received Him as her Savior. Pray for her. Please also pray for a lady named Zuhura. I have started visiting with her to teach her the good news of Jesus, and she is welcoming this news.” Pray for this evangelist to lead many to Christ. Pray for a strong church to grow among the Rangi people.
God’s Word on phones
We are so delighted to see many people in our village listening to the gospel of Matthew and songs in Sakalava on their phones. We have given out a few phone cards to villagers and there are still others asking to have it as well. Thank the Lord for this way of getting the gospel into the homes of the Sakalava people. Please pray that many Sakalava will come to faith in Christ through this outreach ministry. People here like playing music loud! May the whole village be filled with the gospel of Matthew and Sakalava songs.
Bible story booklet
Jurgen, Katja, and Menja have finished translating a set of Bible stories in the Antanala language and have put them into booklet form. These booklets will be used by the nearby church leaders, and hopefully by others in the Antanala area. Jean Baptiste, and his colleague Aime just finished their one year training at a Bible School in Tana and are serving as missionaries in Ikongo, a part of Antanala land. I just got a phone call from Jean Baptiste and he reports that a new village is open for outreach, and many people are gathering together to hear the Word of God. These new booklets can be used to teach them also. Pray for many to believe!
Kids’ club
Grand finale Kids’ Club final day in O-land coming up! Around 180 in attendance. Our theme of ‘Sacrifices ‘ topped off today, with the other sacrifices all pointing to Jesus and The cross. Jesus as the Lamb of God being offered INSTEAD OF us paying our own punishment for sin (just like Abraham’s story with the ram). Pray for open, receptive and responsive hearts for the kids and their families. Praise the Lord for a wonderful team of helpers!
Please pray for two new Zigua believers. We built a baptismal after their interest in being baptized. However, when the day came for them to be baptized, neither one showed up and we haven’t heard from them since. Pray that they would fear God more than man! Pray that Jesus would make clear to them the meaning of baptism and would increased their desire to be part of it.
Pray for R. who, until recently, was hooked on tramadol. With some help from medications he has been able to leave it and now isn’t taking anything. He has decided to follow JC and has been coming to church for the last 3 weeks. His parents died several years ago and he is currently living with a Neem believer who helped him through withdrawal. He left his old religion 6 yrs ago but was frightened away from church by relatives after attending only twice. Pray that he will remain firm in his new-found faith and that he could find a means to support himself. Pray for others who want to know more but are frightened of their relatives’ reaction.
Bible Pictures and Stories
One of our Evangelists came to us and reported that in one Bara village, he has started sharing the Pictures of Bible Stories that we offered to him in the training last month. He told us that many people came to see the pictures and to listen to the stories of God. The people have started to ask questions and say: “Oh! This is Adam and Eve? Ow! What happened next?
Please pray that our team of 80 Evangelists and local pastors, trained in Bible Story Tellers will be bold to go into the bush and tell people about Christ using the book of pictures they received.
Pray also that God will work throughout this very simple way of evangelism, and bring Bara people to Himself.
Meeting again!
I thank God that the group of ladies met with me again and are happy to continue meeting. Pray that they will hunger and thirst for the truth and that there will be consistency in meeting together. We are now doing DBS and there is the obedience part whereby one is supposed to share the story with a friend. Pray that God will give them wisdom and courage and they share and that the movement will continue among the Somali.
Needing work and fellowship
Please pray for Asia, a young Sandawe lady who is needing to find work that will likely take her away from her village in Usandawe. She is from a Catholic background and has been attending a Bible Study with a missionary. Please pray that her faith will be strengthened and that she will find work and be encouraged. Pray that she will seek the LORD with all of her heart and that she will find godly fellowship wherever she goes.
Fallen into sin
Please pray for my two key friends (and translators) among the Ik; they have distanced themselves from the church and gotten involved with alcohol, adultery, and child abuse – a very sad and concerning development. Pray they ‘come to their senses’ like the prodigal son, and return to the Father.
Open village
After doing a survey in a new village this weekend, the FUEL team had the opportunity to share the gospel with the villagers of this new village. The villagers were so open! The young guys in the village went door to door to invite the villagers to the gathering and many children came. An old man said he thought of the team as his children. A piece of land was offered to the team if they wanted to stay. Amazing!! Visitation to this village by the FUEL team will continue every Saturday. Praise the Lord for this new opportunity of ministry here on Nosybe. Please pray for the Lord to work in hearts of the villagers and that they will be open and receptive to the gospel!
Burdened for the Older Generation
Most of the Dorobo pastors in one area have been burdened for the older generation of Dorobo who haven’t yet accepted the Gospel and are still in bondage to drunkenness. So they have planned for a three day prayer meeting this week. They have raised money for food and are expecting over 500 people. A leader has been asked to speak on Thursday on breaking curses, as they feel the bondage to drunkenness has become a curse over their people. So he’ll be there from Wednesday to Friday. Pray that the older generation would hear, understand and be set free from their bondage to drink.
Ministry update
This is from Kenyan missionary John working with the Toposa: Thank you for praying. We had a good trip to Narus. We did some training and visited villages where our disciples are reaching- Napeikeny, lopua and Kokoro. Many have been led to Christ and they are being discipled to reach others.
There is a new group of younger guys being discipled in Kapoeta. Pray they will also be taking the Gospel out to unreached villages amongst Toposa.
Taken Right Out of Church
Praise God on weekdays and Sundays, Swahili children come to our home and/or church to hear God’s Story being told. Many have shared they no longer want to attend the daily Islamic classes. However, some parents are now refusing to allow their children to come to church anymore. Today some adults came and took away the children from church and went right to madrasa. Please pray the seeds of the Gospel will remain and bear fruit!
Meeting together
Pray for the believers who were called together last weekend by a local brother who came to visit from Clove Island. Many people came together to meet and talk about things like Kingdom finances and to pray and share together. Please pray that this sweet time will make them eager to continue to meet together on their own; to pray together and fellowship together regularly.
Leaders being trained
Jacob is mentoring Lokolong into a leadership role leading three Discovery Bible Studies (DBS). Lokolong has keen insights into Bible Stories and shows potential for spiritual leadership. Passionate about outreach, Angelo has started additional studies, and mentors young believers who help lead. Altogether, there are 16 DBS each week in different locations within Laarim land with over half of the Bible studies led by Laarim believers. Pray for lasting, eternal effects that will change the heartbeat of their culture to honor God.
Word going out
We have started distributing memory cards with Matthew, Ephesians, and many Scripture songs on them. Pray as people listen to them that the words will enter their hearts and that they will share what they learn with their friends.
Chatting on WhatsApp
There are a number of young South Asian women I met at a wedding a few months ago who like to chat with me by WhatsApp. Would you pray that the Lord will have them initiate conversations about spiritual things that open doors for the gospel? One of the young women would like to meet for coffee on Wednesday.
One Bold Young Man
Praise God our 4 Tanzanian interns and 7 other believers just completed a 6 week Global Disciples course at our church. Praise God for the opportunity they received to apply their training in our community. Many Swahili heard the gospel, a few have secretly responded to it, and one bold young man has not only professed faith in Jesus, but is also publicly identifying as a new believer by attending our church! Pray for the new believers’ growth and protection. Pray for continued opportunities to share the gospel wherever God leads these believers.
Refugee camp living conditions
The Mbororo refugees are living in harsh and difficult conditions, which you may think they are used to as nomads. But this generation of Mbororo is suffering, having left behind solid brick homes and contemporary structures which may no longer be accessible to them if at some time in the future they wish to return. Pray that they seek God in these difficult times. Pray they know Him as their comforter and provider and Saviour.
Three Prayers
First, thank God with me for Salmada, a lady who shared that she accepted Jesus in 2016, and though her siblings tried to stop her continuing with Jesus, now she called and told me that she still loves Jesus and she is a Christian up to today. Second, pray for my plan to have Compassion International services here. And third, pray for the kids here. There are some who don’t have school fees but they love school.