Worldview shift

We have been invited to broadcast the Jesus film in many Bara villages. So please pray that God will use this very simple but powerful evangelism tool to change hearts and to make people think about their worldview.

English Students

Please pray for two students who are preparing for English exams with the help of a Christian lady. Pray that through their times together, they will have opportunity to use Scripture to learn English and that they will come to faith in Christ.

Answered Prayer

God has heard and answered our prayers on behalf of the pregnant Samburu girl. The woman who had planned to organize the abortion has given up on that plan. After listening to my words, that it is very bad before God to kill the baby, she has decided not press for an abortion. That is a small miracle in itself! God convicted her heart and changed her mind! However, prayer is still needed. The girl will return to her parents’ home. It is quite likely that her parents may insist on an abortion. I told the woman to tell her parents that it is very bad to kill the child inside their daughter. She said she would. Pray with us that the girl’s parents will be convicted by God and that their minds will also be changed. Pray that they will allow the child to be born.

A New Evangelist Installed

We give thanks for a wonderful, God-honoring, gospel message service on
Sunday, September 23 in the village of Tumbelo, in which Kristofa was
officially installed as evangelist. There is a small congregation which
has been meeting under trees or a tarp for a couple of years during
which time Kristofa has been discipled by the local pastor. He also had
the opportunity to attend a 6 month Bible course. He is now living in a mostly complete
house in which the congregation can also meet during the rainy season.
Please continue to pray for Kristofa and for funds to complete his
house. There are no doors or windows, few furnishings and the rainy
season is just around the corner.

Literacy Classes

Literacy classes have been going well in Nacala, with three new students coming last week. A small team of workers are offering literacy classes, farming training, and a children’s class as they learn some of the Makhuwa language and seek to understand the culture better. Ask for good relationships and for trust to be built. Ask for seeds of truth to be communicated in a loving and sensitive way.

Believers, Leaders and Children

Pray for all the believers in the Tsumkwe area. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them to grow spiritually and to stand strong in the Lord. Pray for the gift of discernment so that they will accept and obey the pure, living Word. Pray that believers will answer the call of the Lord to become involved in His service.

Pray for the leaders in the area, chosen by their people to represent them in governmental matters.

Pray that the Lord will keep the children in his hands and protect them against abuse and that they will continue coming in great numbers to learn about the Lord and accept his love for them.


From last Thursday to Saturday, we have been doing an amazing baptism of 1130 believers! A 3 day Baptism! Here is a testimony of how God changed the heart of a Toposa Elder: This man challenged us by how he has believed in Jesus and now he spreads the news of Jesus to his fellow elders. He said, “Thank you Jesus that I got this opportunity of salvation and baptism at my age before I die so that I will enter Paradise.”

Planting a Church This Week

Please pray for the new church plant at Kambi ya Simba, Lake Eyasi. The Jobaji local church (the AICT church near the Hadzabe), is planting a church this week. They began an Evangelism campaign since last Sunday and will continue till next Sunday. It’s been reported that 23 people have decided to follow Jesus so far! The people group in that area are Datooga and Iraqw. This outreach is a result of the Indigenous leaders’ training and Global Disciples. This will be now a third generation from the original Olpiro Church!

Pray for a Miracle

It is happening again! A Samburu girl is pregnant, and an abortion is planned! The Samburu believe that it is a very bad thing for an uncircumcised Samburu girl to give birth to a child. They say the child would be unwanted. They fear that because of its birth other children in the home may die. They believe the best solution is abortion. The way they practice abortion can be quite dangerous for the pregnant girl, even life threatening due to infection.
We have been aware of this happening several times in the six years we have lived among the Samburu. We have tried to reason with the people involved. We have tried to convince them that this practice is not pleasing to God. In fact, it is the greatest sin that Samburu recognize, a Samburu killing another Samburu. Yet the abortions have taken place and if nothing changes, they will continue to take place.
Please pray with us, that this one girl may be allowed to give birth to her baby. Pray that the baby will grow up loved and wanted. Pray that Christians and non-Christians will recognize that this practice is not good, indeed it is sin. Pray for a miracle. Pray for a change in this one aspect of Samburu culture.

Must hear it again

Pray for A and H. Seeing the Jesus film together, H said ‘we must hear this again to understand it well”. It wasn’t possible to watch it all because of a curfew here but I will give them the film on an SD card. Pray that they will watch it through and God will speak to them through it of their need for salvation through Jesus Christ.

A Bold and Vocal Man

Praise God for an Alagwa man who wants to study the Bible with some of the team weekly, and is planning to bring his friends too. He has already been seeking Jesus and praying and reading the Bible for some time. He is a bold and vocal man. Please pray that he would continue to respond to Jesus and that the Holy Spirit would use him to draw others too. The first Bible study is tonight!

But be filled with the Spirit

Pray for a thirst for righteousness rather than a longing for the alcohol they are all about to start brewing as they harvest their maize.

Chains Still Binding Them

Please pray with us for the Alagwa, that the chains that bind them and stop them making steps towards Jesus would be broken. Please also pray for a breakthrough, that the Holy Spirit would lead people to confess their sins to God and repent.

New believers!

Praise God! A man, from a distant coastal Swahili village where our church has been reaching out, travelled to our church to confess Jesus as his savior before our congregation and join the body of Chirst! The following weekend a group from our church travelled to this man’s village again to share the Gospel and show the Jesus film. 11 people from this unreached coastal Swahili village have repented from their sins and confessed Jesus as their Savior! Praise God! Now please pray for the protection and growth of these fledgling believers and for our church to know how to best disciple them there! Praise God!

plans for new team

In July/Aug 2020 we are trusting God for a group of 4-6 Malagasy men who desire to follow God in missions. They will come to Nosy Mitsio to be trained and to share the gospel in the villages here. Pray that God would call these men and that the many details to make this happen will come together. We call these teams “Harvest Teams”.

Needing the armor of God

Ask for freedom from evil spirits. One young believer said they feel evil heaviness when they enter their home (because of witchcraft done by a family member) and it feels difficult to pray. Pray that believers would learn and practice Ephesians 6 and put on the armor of God.

He is working!

It seems the gospel is spreading well in many parts of the area. Church leader trainings continue. Ask for open hearts and transformed families and communities as the gospel is heard and believed. Pray for the church leaders and others who are sharing, that they would be build up in their faith and rooted in Love.

Answer to prayer!

Praise Jesus for giving increasing love for each other, for renewed first love, for renewed hunger for the Word. We asked together for this and see God’s gracious answer!!


A young lady who traveled to the French island met up with some old friends, including one who has started following Jesus. She was very curious and asked how this other family she knew of had come to follow Jesus. She heard their stories and testimonies as well as further explanation of the good news. Another young man who has kept engaging in spiritual conversations, came for the first time to a small gathering of believers last Sunday. Pray for both of them to respond to what they heard and that the Holy Spirit would transform their hearts.

They Compared Lives

Praise for a good visit with three Dorobo pastors to two Watta villages near Malindi. The pastors went around to the homes, shared their testimonies, compared their lives as hunter-gatherers and went home enthused about the need to reach out, even across cultures in Kenya. Pray that they can spread this vision in their churches.

Asking for healing and salvation

Today, in one of the Gabbra villages, we were visiting some families and a couple came to ask us for medication for their baby who has a swelling on his neck. We couldn’t help with medication but we asked if we could pray for healing in the Name of Jesus.
Me: “Have you heard and understood who Jesus is and the power that there is in His Name?”
Mama: “I never really wanted to hear but now that my baby boy is sick I would.”

So I explained the life of Jesus and His mighty love and sovereignty. Then I asked again, “Can I pray for healing over your child and also for salvation?”
They agreed and received the prayer with opened hearts.
Before leaving, we gave the family the audio scripture so they can continue listening to the Word of God!

Please join us in prayer! May the Holy Spirit speak to this family’s heart and may they surrender their lives to Jesus as their Savior. Pray for healing for the baby and may the Name of Jesus be glorified among the Gabbra people!


Pray for peace between the Toposa and the Laarim. There is a lot of revenge killing amongst both groups. Pray for a longing for peace and an openness for the Prince of Peace to give true peace.


It’s now September and the Good News continues to be shared broadly in O-land. Persevere with us in prayer that many O will respond and a Disciple making movement will begin in 2019! Pray for boldness, wisdom, perseverance, joy and encouragement for all of the outreach team and believers in the midst of many challenges.

They Fear the Church

The Nyamwezi fear the church and the changes it will bring to the community. Pray for this fear to be removed.

Two Bible Studies

As of the last two weeks, our team has started 2 Bible studies, one for men and one for women. We’ve invited some local friends and neighbors to come and study God’s word together each Thursday. Pray that the Holy Spirit would speak in the word of God and reveal Jesus to us all. For the friends who come who are believers, may their faith be strengthened and love for Jesus deepened. For the friends who are not yet believers, pray that they would be brave enough to come and that when they do, their eyes would be opened to see Jesus and His salvation! God’s word does not return to Him void, but accomplishes that for which He sent it. May His word have His way in us in these Bible studies!

Awareness of Sin

Pray for the entire community as a whole to understand their sin before the holy God. So often we have conversations ending with our neighbors thinking they are pretty good people and that they are able to pay for their “minuscule” sins without a Savior. Pray that God would make individuals aware of their standing before Him and that He would then lead them to the Cross. Jesus came not for the healthy, but for the sick.


There have been many kidnappings recently in Bara areas. The poverty and the culture are forcing people to do this in order to find money. Please pray that God will open their eyes to the truth of the Gospel and they would be saved.

Becoming Strong

Please pray for the Ndengereko of Tanzania to welcome and receive Christians who want to share the gospel with them, and pray that the few churches will become strong in the Word of God, in evangelism, and in discipleship. Pray for more churches to be planted to the glory of God.

Suffering and Deception

Ask for an increasing desire to walk in truth and courage. Recently in a situation of sexual abuse, there was increased deception to cover the abuse because of fear of death … and the abuser received no correction or rebuke. She truly believed there was no option and said, “It’s always the girl’s fault. My 12 yr old neighbor was cast out after being abused. What can I do?”
Another girl lies to her mom about where she’s going… when she’s going to study the Word. She believes but denied Jesus when her brothers threatened death. Pray for freedom that comes with truth even if it includes suffering.

Zealous Indeed

The Digo of Kenya and Tanzania have been known in the past for being extremely zealous for Islam. But more and more of them are coming to faith in Christ. Please pray that in the future they will become known for their extreme zeal and love for Jesus.

Meeting and needing boldness

Praise Jesus! A group is gathering again in this city …but each one comes with fears and hurts. Pray that they would encourage each other and pray Acts 4 together for boldness to speak His Word.

Eager to Share His Salvation

Praise the Lord that the Borana who love Jesus Christ are eager to share His salvation with others! Pray for the multiplication of the Borana churches, and that the leaders will be equipped and strengthened to lead their people in ways that honor the Savior.

Each One Plant One

Please pray that the Datooga believers will continue to share the gospel and the recordings of the Scripture stories throughout the tribe, and that these shepherds will come to know Jesus the Good Shepherd. Pray that each Datooga church can plant another one in 2019.

Joy in His Presence

Pray for unsaved women who came to a lunch and heard a short devotional on finding joy in God’s presence, to now begin to come to read the Scriptures together and learn to know Him through Jesus Christ.


This week we are involved in a Children Ministry Conference with 40 Children’s teachers from the Lutheran church and next week the Lutheran TOBY Conference, where we are invited to talk about the mission of the church. Please pray for a revival in the church and also that the Christians would understand deeply their role as the Church of Jesus. That they understand that missions and evangelism is not for the pastor only but for everyone who knows Jesus.

Stand together

Pray for the group that has been studying the Bible together on Sundays. Pray that they would stand together in the Truth, seeking God together, persevering even when difficulties come their way.

Children’s ministry

Malagasy missionaries Petera and his wife Francine are moving to Nosy Mitsio at the end of October. Pray for safety in travel and good transition. Pray for them as they build relationships and work in children’s ministry among their Antakarana neighbors. Ask the Lord to open many children’s hearts to the gospel.

Finding freedom

For a few weeks we have been praying for two ladies who are being spiritually oppressed. They are living in very simple huts, not eating and spending most of their time laying down on camel skin inside of their dark huts. They and their families have previously worshipped evil spirits.
These ladies’ relatives and husbands started joining us in our fellowship, and understood and confessed that they need to be free from all darkness.
We frequently have visited their houses, praying for these ladies and with their families.
And last week one of these two ladies voluntarily came to a fellowship! She was smiling and interacting with others. We praise Jesus for the freedom that there is in His Name!
Please pray for all those who are still in darkness and need to know about the truth that sets us free.

Food shortage continues

Please continue to pray for the folks that are still battling with food shortage after the cyclone. We praise God that we were able to buy another truckload of maize and beans but that doesn’t go very far and will be finished quickly.

Scripture engagement

Lots of God’s Word is available to the O people on memory cards they can use in their phones with 100 chronological Bible lessons. Pray that people will not misuse them, and that God’s Word will cut deep to convict, teach, and train. Pray for God‘s leading and wisdom for meetings today between mission leadership, Bible translation leadership, and our team for all decisions concerning upcoming O Bible translation and Jesus film dubbing into the O language. Pray that God‘s Word will go forward with power, with the Holy Spirit, and with deep conviction.