Monthly meeting

Pray for our monthly meetings that will begin the first week of February. Pray for the spirit of God to take control in the meetings and that the body of Christ will he equipped for the ministry.

100 people

Our gym is holding a competition on February 8th. Please pray for the planning of this, for the athletes, and that the gospel message that will be preached on the day of the event will reach the ears of at least 100 people.


Pray for our GAP training program coming up in February. Pray for provision for those wanting to attend and for a great impact on their lives and others as well.
Pray for preparations for a consultation meeting of BMBs and workers which will be held in April.

Saved and Delivered

Pray for the Bara children who come to the children’s ministry that they can understand Christ and be saved. Pray for their families too. Most of time, children are forced to participate of the rituals and witchcraft. Pray for deliverance!

Peace through the cross

Ask for deliverance for those ensnared by magic charms, and false prophets who say ‘peace when there is no peace.’ (Ezekiel 13) Pray that they will know the Lord, that the white-washed flimsy refuge of Islam would be swept away, exposed as worthless and empty. We pray for many to hear the truth of the gospel and receive true peace with God through the cross.

Foundations crumble

Pray that many islanders would search for truth. May God give them boldness to seek answers. May many be set free from the darkness of Islam. May the foundations that have been shaken by recent events continue to crack and crumble. May the name of Jesus be exalted in this place.

Dreams of Jesus

A local friend is having regular dreams of Jesus. He says he feels like he is starting to follow him. Pray that he will commit to read the Word and seek fellowship.

Jesus Film

The Jesus Film is being broadcast among the Antandroy. Pray God would open their hearts to listen to the Gospel and be saved.

Deep relationships

Diaspora in Florida: Praise for the progress in relationships with local Muslims. 1. All three of our imam friends can explain the facts of the gospel to us. Pray for them to come to faith in Jesus this year and for their mosques to follow them to Jesus.

L has been able to discern the learning hindrances in each of the students she is tutoring, and devise a strategy to get the students moving forward. This has deeply impacted those Muslim families. One of her students is the niece of an imam. Pray for spiritual opportunities in the deep relationships L is forming with the parents of her students.

Pray for peace

There is rising tension in Dilling, Nuba Region due to SAF attacks, causing fear and instability, particularly with some Islamic leaders inciting conflict against SPLA and Christians in the Nuba Mountains. Pray for peace to be restored in Dilling and surrounding areas, calming tensions and preventing further violence. Ask for protection over innocent civilians in all affected regions, especially those targeted due to their ethnicity or beliefs.

Getting ready for Bible teaching

Please pray for the Lord to prepare a group of people to receive Biblical teaching — chronological, systematic teaching from Genesis to Revelation. Pray the harvest would be ripe when the missionaries are ready to start teaching in the tribal language.
Pray for the Lord to divinely appoint language helpers for the missionaries who would not only help them learn the tribal tongue but also be open to eventually receive the Gospel and become followers of Jesus.

Poor in Spirit

We ask for humility, and for the strongholds of power and control to be broken. May they become poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.


Praise God for a few more brand-new lambs in Jesus.
With this fruit, the challenge to disciple them is big, messy and time consuming. The devil is also not pleased and working hard to destroy and discourage some of the new believers – pray for their protection. Pray that the believers will hunger after Jesus and learn to abide in Him and grow in faith and godly practice.


Pray for the Mahafaly people. We are still finding partners that are eager to go and share the Jesus film in their land. We have one church starting the work. Pray for a good partnership and for many Mahafaly people to believe the message.

New government

Pray that the new government will be favorable towards the local believers who are already known and still live here in their country. Pray for their protection and encouragement and the the Lord would add to their number!

Week of prayer and fasting

Pray that the Spirit of God will guide the body as they take one week of prayer and fasting. We pray that broken marriages within the body of Christ will be restored and the parties involved will understand the true meaning of Biblical Marriage. Recently one of the daughters of a follower who we also knew was a follower was married to a ‘cousin’. Pray for this family, that they will understand the true meaning of love, forgiveness and identity in Christ.

Spiritual conversations

Pray that the relationships established from our ministries will be bridges for spiritual conversations. Ask God to bring seeking friends to us.

Bear much fruit

Diaspora in Washington DC: Please continue to pray for new Christians, for their deepening faith in Jesus, that they will bear much fruit. Pray that they will choose to spend time in God’s word and with God’s people.

Faith and Persecution

Pray for the seeds of the Gospel to germinate among the Bara. In the region of Analamary, we have seen 8 churches born. Pray that God will move to other regions and more Bara will come to Christ.
Pray for the Bara who are converting to Jesus. For the first time we are starting to see some kind of persecution against the Christians. Pray for strength, faith and boldness to stand for Christ.


We are starting this year with a survey into the fourteen communities in Shuwaia-land. We feel this will give us a better understanding of the entire region and to see what God is doing there.
So far we have been able to visit two of these communities. Thank God that we have been warmly welcomed. Pray for provision so we can visit the other communities.
Pray God will help us see what He wants us to see and to labour in love.
One of the communities we visited shared the need for a school to help their children.
Pray God will help us to see how we can respond to this need and for others to serve well for His name’s sake.
There seems to be an open door in the entire Shuwaia area now. Pray we all key in to what He is doing right now and join Him in building His church.

Transformation and blessing

Pray for transformation among our youth. May the Lord renew their minds and break strongholds.
Pray for the women ministry, for spiritual growth and blessing on their families.

SLM gathering- travel dangers

⁠Pray for SLM annual strategic meeting to held on 19-24th Jan 2025 in Northern Kenyan for our teams from Darfur Refugees, TNJ, Torit, Central Equitoria, Ethiopia, Eastern Congo, Uganda and Kenya and urban missions; about 50 leaders are gathering. Pray as we evaluate 2024 and plan for 2025. Our goal is still to see 700 churches planted.

News Flash: Our team is traveling from various locations to attend the gathering in Northern Kenya. We ask for your urgent prayers, especially for the Sudanese team traveling from Juba, led by Majir. There has been unrest and incidents of revenge in their area since yesterday, creating significant challenges. Please pray for:
• Protection over all team members as they journey.
• Peace and safety in Juba and all along the travel routes.
• God’s presence and guidance during this time of uncertainty.


Rachel update

Pray for our island sister ‘Rachel’ as she continues to face opposition to her faith in her village. One man is frequently insulting Rachel and Jesus over the mosque loudspeaker in the evenings. Remarkably, Rachel isn’t bothered by this, but she prays for this man and others in her village to have a change of heart toward Jesus. May this man and Rachel’s entire village have dreams and visions that lead them to Truth.

Evangelistic retreat

Please pray for an evangelistic retreat that we are having this weekend. We have 40 people confirmed and 20 are nonbelievers (culturally Catholic, Muslims, Buddhist/undefined). We know the Lord wants to work in a mighty way and the enemy does not want that. Please pray specifically for a Saharawi friend and her two daughters who will be joining us. Please pray the Holy Spirit works in their hearts and they can receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
If you’d like to sign up to pray for a prayer slot during the retreat, please follow link:

Sweep away fear

Pray that each believer would be ‘alert and keep on praying and that words would be given them to fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.’ Pray especially for those who are afraid to tell their closest family members, that their transformed lives would open opportunities and fear would be swept away.

Curiosity grow

Several different groups gathered (mix of followers and seekers) to read the creation to Christ stories over the holiday season. Pray for these truths to be recalled and considered by these seekers. May their curiosity about Jesus grow.

Pray for the Toposa Church

We are witnessing great things among the disciple leaders as they walk in obedience to the Lord. Recently, the Toposa Apostolic team planted 14 new churches in closed areas. God is moving powerfully through this team as they share the Jesus Film, strengthen existing churches, baptize new believers, and encourage the body of Christ to live in obedience. Please pray for them.

Prisoners’ verdict prayer time

After almost 2 years in prison (from March/April 2023), we were recently told the verdict for the believers jailed for their faith will be given February 4th. Please join us in praying for their release. Here is the link to invite you to join us in praying/fasting Feb 2-4 for the believers imprisoned in Libya. Feel free to pass this on to others who you know will pray with us. We will be turning to Jesus as our Advocate, our Intercessor, and our Deliverer.

Building community

Diaspora in Finland: We are seeking to build a multicultural Gospel -centered community. We ask prayers that the Lord will continue to guide us. Pray for deepened relationships among Christians who have been coming. Pray for open hearts for non-Christians who have been coming, and also prayer that they will continue to come. And pray for wisdom to connect and build relationships with new people who we then could invite to this community.

Lies be broken

Pray for « Dwayne » who loves to debate the Quran and the Bible. He consistently and aggressively attacks the Bible and the deity of Jesus. While at the same time, he sees no fault in the Quran. Please pray for Dwayne to have an encounter with Jesus through a dream or a vision. Pray for the bonds and lies of Islam in Dwayne’s life to be broken in Jesus’s name.

Faith journey

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for L’s faith; she acknowledges that Christ is within her, but she insists that faith is something personal and belongs to her alone. Pray for God’s guidance in her faith journey, that she may gain more confidence in following Jesus and share her faith with others.

Spiritual Formation

Pray for those believers in Kaabong district who are being discipled as lay leaders. Some recently participated in training at Lotim. The first year students are learning about spiritual formation through spiritual disciplines. Pray that they will grow in their faith and be able to help others to grow in their faith, and to lead people to Jesus.

New people and new believers

Praise God for new people our teammate has been introduced to and that we are sharing with at the hospital – Ab’, Mu’ and Ma’.
Pray for the new believing family – S and A, her sister M and S’s sister. Pray for deeper  understanding. S needs more surgery on his leg but has a shortage of money – pray God provides for him.
Pray for other contacts we have as a team – pray that God leads them to the truth.


Diaspora in Oregon: Praise God for opportunities to share traditions and celebrate Christmas with our new neighbor friends. And what a great time to share the hope we have in Jesus. Pray that the seeds planted will grow in the hearts of those who heard. Many of our friends and teammates are currently in the midst of a 3 day prayer and fasting for our refugee community here in Oregon. Praying for a breakthrough in the lives of many who are struggling. Please join us in prayer.

Praying for persecutors

Please pray for the believers in Imu’ village, just next to us. We thank God for their faith and that their lives are reflecting that they worship God above all else. However that has come at a cost. At first it was threatening, then “fining” them saucepans, clothes, and chickens but twice recently they have been beaten. Their main offense has been refusing to go collect bamboo for the landlord and refusing some of the ceremonies associated with their age group (all cultural practices that don’t honor God). They respond with compassion to their persecutors asking God to, “Forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing”, and they pray their persecutors, like Saul/Paul, will also encounter Christ. Pray that people would see Christ in our brothers! Pray that these faithful brothers would heal from their injuries and their hearts would be strengthened.

Scripture calendars

Diaspora in England: Praise that we were able to distribute 50 Scripture calendars to our Muslim contacts in the city. Pray the Word would speak to many and draw them to the Savior.
Pray for a positive start to the new term as classes have just started. Pray for open hearts and students wanting to explore Truth.


Keep praying for the Jiye church that the Lord will sustain them and guide them in obedience. We have seen much fruit recently. The government is currently working on a large dam project at Lopeat. Meanwhile, the translation team, led by Amoni, has completed the book of Jonah and the book of Mark, and they are now working on the book of Luke. They are also preparing for the Jesus Film. Keep praying for the team, the disciples, and the leaders- Loumwa and Amoni. Your prayers are greatly appreciated for Jiye people.


Diaspora in Ontario: Pray for us as we make some annual reconnection visits with S. families and friends who’ve moved away or moved on since we first met them. Pray that these visits will be fruitful.

God’s work

Pray for God’s work in students’ lives as they begin the Superior 2 (NT) class.
Pray for women to come to the upper-level English Club and wisdom and creative ideas for how to use the time together.

Christmas camp follow-up

Diaspora in France: Our Swiss Christmas Camp from Dec. 22-Dec. 27 was a wonderful time of getting to know the students and sharing how Christmas is our grateful celebration of all that God did when He sent Jesus to live with us on earth! God answered so many prayers and kept everyone safe and healthy throughout the week! The Lord blessed us with many fruitful conversations with students, and many seeds were planted. Some of the students had never heard anything about God or Jesus or Christmas! Thank you for your prayers, we saw the Lord moving!
Pray for the follow-up with some of the students who came to Camp and pray that the Lord would develop a hunger and thirst for His Truth in their hearts.