Peace mobilization

Pray for our peace mobilisation among the community both in south Sudan and Ethiopia.
Pray for the team leader organizing the peace mobilisation within the community.


Pray for supernatural encounters among Karana during Ramadan, which would reveal the person of Christ to them.
During Ramadan, we will be doing street/door to door evangelism. Please pray people will engage with us and be open to hearing the gospel.


The radio station is building new facilities and the hope is its reach will extend even further with a new pylon. Pray for the building work and the technical hurdles.
The school is busy and is expanding.
The dentist is currently unable to work due to administrative issues, please pray the way will open again for her.

Urgent Prayer Request for Our School and Children

Due to extreme temperatures and the lack of food support from WFP, we have been forced to close the school and send the children home. Only Grade 8 students have remained, as we are managing with the little food left.

Many of our children come from far—some walking 80 to 100km to attend school. Some have guardians who have picked them up, but others, especially orphans, have nowhere to go and have chosen to stay. Many have also fallen sick due to the high temperatures.

At this moment, nothing else can change the situation except prayer. Please join us in praying for:
•Provision of food so the school can reopen fully in three weeks.
•Health and protection for the children, especially those who are sick.
•Strength and encouragement for the orphans and those with no safe place to go.
•Rain and relief from the harsh conditions.

Psalm 121:1-2 – “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” May God make a way where there seems to be none.


Pray that the Lord would give His people the vision and provision to reach out to their Mbororo neighbors with the gospel. Pray for peace and healing of relationships.

Believe in the One

Pray for the San who are experiencing massive cultural shifts as their traditional way of life is disappearing. Pray they would look to their Creator God and believe in the one whom He has sent to save them.

Translation update

Translation of the NT into the Antandroy language is progressing and is around 85% complete. All 4 gospels are available in print and audio and are being used in daily readings on local radio. Audio recordings of Acts and several epistles are also available, along with the Jesus Film. Pray that God would encourage the translation team as they work on the remaining books of the NT and that more Antandroy people would want to hear God’s word in their language and realise that this message of salvation is for them, too.

Jesus be exalted!

There are many Vanilla islanders seeking truth. Pray that they lean into the truth they have heard. May the enemy not be able to snatch it away, but may the truth take root. Pray for islanders to go searching for the Lord with all their hearts and may He be found by them. May many be set free from the darkness of Islam. May the foundations of Islam continue to crack and crumble. May the name of Jesus be exalted in this place.

Theological training

Robert continues to do Biblical and Theological training with several men in different villages. Recently there was a training for nine men from five different villages who will go on to lead sessions for the believers in their communities. The Word is spreading, and God’s kingdom is growing among the Lopit! Please pray for God’s hand to be upon these leaders.

Peace, be still!

Pray for peace in the area where the Mwani live. People are suffering after the cyclone, with political strife, and insurgents continuing to wreak havoc. May God have mercy and calm the storms. “Peace, be still!”

Translation work

Pray for God’s blessing on the translation work. Pray for a good translation and for many to read the Word in their heart language and believe its message!

Too heavy

The last 3 year’s crop production has significantly decreased due to the lack of rain and scorching sun destroying many crops. Now, with the increased stress of political instability and inflation along with sickness, and everyday trails of life the burden is too heavy to carry. Please pray for the believers’ faith in God to be strengthened, and not “want to return to Egypt “. Please pray that in all these trials the Ndau will see God and know him in a powerful way. Pray they will see Jesus, who wants us to give him our burdens and that they can trust Him to carry them through.

Light in dark places

This is a difficult time with deep divisions in the church which ripple out to the remote villages. May the truth be heard, may people’s hearts be true to the gospel and may there be protection from lies. May the work of evangelism and community health care continue to shine light into dark places.

Isolation and fear

Pray for the local brothers and sisters walking in isolation and fear. Pray that each hidden believer would find at least 1 other person to read the word, pray, and grow together. Pray that they would hunger for fellowship and seek accountability.

Shine brightly

Pray for Mzee S., a respected leader in the community from a different tribe, who is a Christian. Pray he would shine brightly in the community and draw many to the Lord.


Diaspora in Ontario: Praise for referrals to a couple of Som believers in our area we have not previously met. Pray that we’ll be able to connect with them, and then to connect them with other believers in our area.

The hour of darkness- verdict postponed again

Almost two years ago, Passion Week 2023, several believers in Libya were taken from their homes and streets and put in prison.

Now the announcement of their verdict has been postponed until Passion Week 2025 (Tuesday, April 15th.)

The timing is significant.

As Jesus allowed himself to be arrested, he said: This is the hour of the power of darkness (Luke 22:53). And after Jesus died, in the days of uncertainty and waiting and fear…the disciples hid together. Together locked in the room. Together going to the tomb. We continue to pray together remembering those who are suffering… let us not stop.

We wait for the next ‘togethers’…
Together eating with the risen Jesus, together seeing his wounds, together hearing his voice and feeling his breath as he breathed on us His Spirit…

As Lent begins in a few weeks and we remember the dark days before the cross… please keep praying for God’s children suffering around the world.

Need land

Local believers want to build a structure to meet under, but it has been difficult to secure the land. Pray the community will be willing to give the land to the believers, and that it will not be a cause of conflict for this young church.


Pray for the local island body to have a hunger for God’s Word. Pray for engagement with local Scripture apps among island believers and non-believers alike. Pray for growth as they feed on God’s Word. Pray too for the desire for regular fellowship and study together. Continue to pray against fear and pray for genuine faith and conviction of sin.

Grow in faith

Pray for Sa’ and his family to grow in faith and that God will provide all his needs.
Pray for our new contacts: Ara’, Id’, Ah’, and their families to desire to know God as their father and savior.

Bold stand

Please pray for one of our local pastors. He has taken a bold stand against immorality in his congregation, and suspended some of the leadership. He needs lots of encouragement, and so do the few remaining believers.

Verdict tomorrow

Once again we are asking for prayer for the release of the believers in prison for their faith. I believe God is greatly honored as we continue in prayer and surrender, asking, and asking again.

Tuesday, February 18th, is the date they now say they will give the verdict. The previous date given for the verdict was Feb 4…but they delayed it 2 weeks. On Feb 6, in response to a UN report, the internal Security Agency gave an international press conference, saying that they had done their job and had turned the “dangerous ones” over to the court. We are not sure what this reveals about international pressure, but it felt like quite a defensive stance deflecting blame regardless of how the court rules.

We pray for the fear of God to fall on all — for those against Him to tremble, for those that are His to shine in awe, worship, joy and peace.

And we pray for the next steps for each one. If God should see fit to release them, pray for families that receive them, for communities that still walk in the dark.

Unity and growth

Pray with us for three groups of Som ** MBB’s all on WhatsApp groups. We thank God for their unity and the content of their communication in uplifting and edifying one another through the sharing of scripture, prayer and practical help. They also get to answer questions from seekers that are also in the groups. Pray that God will graciously grow these groups for the extension of His Kingdom.

Kingdom of Light

One of the young believers shared this story recently:

“I had a dream one night and a man came to me in shining light. ‘I am Jesus’. Jesus told me that he loves me and has forgiven all my sins when he died on the cross for me. He said that he has given me eternal life. Then he told me to tell others about the Kingdom of Light and not to be afraid. I will give you great joy as you do this.”

Even before this dream, the believer had been sharing the two kingdoms story with many people, about the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. He’s been calling many others to follow Jesus. The dream spurred him onwards with greater vigor and purpose.

Several people as a result have come into the Kingdom of Light! Pray for these young and new believers to grow and share with others.

visiting friends

Praise for an opportunity to visit the refugee camps with a Saharawi friend who has been in Spain for 20 years. Pray for sweet reunions and the Spirit to move in hearts.

Deep impact

Pray for our GAP program that started this week. This is a camp for recently graduated high schoolers. Pray that it will have a deep impact in the lives of the youth.

Curious and hungry hearts

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray that many of my Muslim friends would initiate spiritual conversations that come from a curious and hungry heart.

God still at work

Hopelessness and suffering are written on the faces of many Bara people, and pain spreads through every layer of this culture—a culture that venerates death, worships ancestors, and refuses to come to the Creator for relief. Yet, the God of the universe is at work! He has not left the world without the testimony of His grace. Through the Gospel, the Eternal One is revealing His glory, restoring, and reconciling humanity to Himself. Below is a link to Sandy’s testimony to what God is doing in her life. Pray many more Bara will experience God’s work in their lives as well.

Salt and Light

Diaspora in England: The refugee centre where I volunteer recently shared that they assisted 1,633 refugees last year. Give thanks for this much needed service and pray that I and other Christians who serve there will continue to be salt and light to the many people from UPGs who use the Centre’s services.

Outreach and engagement

The Sudanese converts are not staying behind; instead, they are walking in obedience by reaching out to their own brothers and sisters in Darfur and the refugee camps. M’, our key leader for outreach and refugee engagement, is intentionally training his leaders to multiply this effort.

Today, M A is following up on the work in Renk, at the Sudan-South Sudan border. Please pray for him to have fruitful engagements and to build strong, new relationships that advance the Kingdom.

Fear of hell

Diaspora in England: Praise for the amazing conversation a few weeks ago in one of our English classes where the M women shared very openly about their fear of hell and their lack of assurance of going to heaven. We were able to share how different this is for Christians. The women asked us questions about our faith and were very interested. Pray for these seeds of truth to germinate in good soil.

Father making threats again

Pray for our island sister, ‘Rachel’. Her father has begun making death threats against her. She isn’t afraid, but she felt like it was wise to alert the police and the Justice Department to his threats. Her father has also barred her and her son from going to their fields. Rachel is praying and waiting on the Lord about how she should respond to this. Pray for wisdom for her with her father. Pray too for discernment from the Holy Spirit as she answers islanders’ questions about Jesus.

Pray for open heart

Diaspora in Florida: I am in discussions with Imam A about God’s Word. Pray for an open heart.

Stand firm

Pray for the believers to grow in discipleship and courage to stand firm in the faith when faced with challenges. May they stay on the narrow path and refuse temptations to take the easy way.

Bible study

Diaspora in Washington DC: Pray for 5 English students to join us in a weekly study of God’s word on Tuesdays. We praise Jesus for 3 that have initially participated.

Wisdom and discernment

Pray for wisdom and discernment for local leaders and community influencers to promote unity and peace rather than division.
Pray for healing and comfort for families affected by the recent violence and loss of loved ones in Medani and Juba.
Pray for law enforcement to effectively restore order without escalating violence, ensuring safety for all communities.

No longer

Maroamboka village, where we used to live, is the place of witch doctors. Seven of them live and work in and around Maroamboka! Some of them are so powerful that people come all the way from the capital to consult them. In short, Maroamboka was more or less the stronghold of Satan.
And it is precisely in Maroamboka that the church is growing! And it is Maroamboka where people come to hear more about the Gospel. Why? My friend Issa noted that the Lord has a sense of humour. Issa said, “The evil one must have been happy when we left Maroamboka. But it is as if God woke the evil one out of his evil dream by using Maroamboka for His mighty and glorious work.” I like Issa’s conclusion. Pray for the church to continue to grow in size and influence.

Coffee time

Diaspora in Wales: In January, we started a coffee/tea time following the Monday Women’s English Classes. Pray that this informal time of fellowship will deepen a sense of community enabling ladies to meet other teachers and students while using English.

Pray for breakthrough

Diaspora in Germany: Pray for those who are suffering or in need, especially in migrant camps.
Pray for breakthroughs in the lives of people who are lost, lonely, or struggling.
Pray for receptive hearts and meaningful connections in the outreach ministry.


The young men leading the church in one Lopit village are still going through persecution. Early in January they were seriously beaten but they have said no to idolatry and are very active in the church. Pray for them to stand firm in their faith, and that the Lord will give a lasting solution in this village where persecution happens often for believers.