Muslim UPGs of the Nuba Mountains

Population: About 2.8 million
The total population of the Nuba Mountain region is approximately 4.2 million. It is estimated that over a million Nuba are internally displaced, and many have fled to neighboring countries, others have permanently resettled in the North.

Location and Background:The Nuba mountains are located in South Kordofan State in Central Sudan. It is a remote and inaccessible area; traditionally a place of refuge for people fleeing oppression.

History: Nuba people are comprised of perhaps more than 90 different ethnic groups with unique language and culture. Out of more than 90 tribes 60 remain Unreached and Unengaged. There has been enmity between Nuba peoples and the ruling Arab Sudanese for a long time.

The Nuba Mountain Region of Sudan has experienced conflict and crisis for many years, with fighting between the Sudanese government forces and the Sudan Liberation Movement (SPLM). The conflict has resulted in widespread displacement, food insecurity and human rights abuses.

In the current war crisis in Khartoum, over 400,000 Sudanese and Nubans have fled to Nuba Mountains for refuge, with mixed flow movement projected to continue to rise if the conflict expands.

Culture: Nuba people practice farming during the rainy season and raise livestock, mainly cattle and goats. They grow crops such as maize and sorghum cultivated without irrigation.

They are known for their traditional wrestling competition, which is still common practice in the community and promotes their culture as well as individuals’ personal strength and village pride.

Religion: Islam

Latest Prayer Updates:

Sudanese missionaries

Sudan is currently experiencing the world’s largest and worst humanitarian crisis. 25 million people are in need of assistance. 10 million are displaced. There are genocidal activities against minority ethnically African people groups. Pray for peace in Sudan.
Pray for the 17 newly deployed Sudanese national missionaries to unengaged unreached people groups in Nuba Mts.

Oral Bible

Pray for the Scripture engagement and Oral Bible Translation project taking place right now in Nuba Mts among 6 languages. Pray for good translations and for many people to listen to God’s word in their heart language and believe!

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