The Mahafaly of Madagascar

Pray for the Mahafaly of Madagascar. They live in the South Western part of the island, which is dry with unpredictable rainfall. They herd goats and sheep and zebu, which they especially prize. They adorn kings’ and chiefs’ tombs with zebu horns. They are animists, and look to traditional healers to lead ceremonies to honor the ancestors and enforce cultural taboos.

Pray the Mahafaly would believe Jesus, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Pray for the Bible stories being translated. Some of the Mahafaly translators are sharing the stories themselves in their village. Pray Jesus would open hearts to receive His word.

Population:  310,000

Location and Background:  The Mahafaly inhabit the plains of the Betioky-Ampamihy area.  Their name means either “those who make taboos” or “those who make happy”, although the former is considered more likely by linguists.  “Faly” in the local dialect means “taboo” while in the highland dialect means “happy.”

History:  The Mahafaly are believed to have arrived in Madagascar from southeastern Africa around the 12th Century and managed to preserve their kingdom and culture during the reign of the Merina.

Culture:  The Mahafaly live in a dry climate with unpredictable rainfall and have developed the skills necessary to survive in a harsh land.  Many cultural rituals surround the zebu cattle, which the men herd in addition to goat and sheep. The communities also cultivate maize, manioc, sweet potato and beans. Traditional healers lead ceremonies for the ancestors and enforce taboos regarding the use of the forests. The spiny forests and the zebu cattle are considered sacred. They believe the forests are the homes of ancestral spirits and the source of medicinal plants. Spiny branches form the walls of traditional wooden Mahafaly houses.

Religion:  The Mahafaly are especially known for the large tombs they build to honor dead chiefs and kings.  They are large stone squares surmounted by wooden sculptures and heaps of zebu horns; the greater the importance of the dead being buried, the greater the number of sculpture and horns placed on the tomb.  The sculptures are termed “aloalo” a word that means “messenger” or “intermediary”, possibly with reference to the interconnecting role they play between the living and the dead.

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Pray for the Mahafaly people. We are still finding partners that are eager to go and share the Jesus film in their land. We have one church starting the work. Pray for a good partnership and for many Mahafaly people to believe the message.

Fear of spirits

Pray that their fear of the spirits will bring the Mahafaly and Antandroy to cry out to God for salvation. Pray for the local believers (from other tribes) who work and live in the area, to be bold to share the Gospel in love and compassion.

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