Jesus is the only way

Perhaps the greatest challenge keeping people from believing in and following Jesus is their fear of rejection by their Muslim family and communities. Please pray that God would work powerfully through the lives of the believers and that their testimonies of real transformation would help others overcome their fear of rejection. Pray for bold witness and more demonstrations of the power of God, that more Ndengereko and M would know his love for them and that Jesus really is the only way.


Pray for outreach among the Ndengereko by other tribes. Ask the Lord to deliver the Ndengereko from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His dear Son.

A Broad Fellowship

Pray for the Ndengereko Christians to have contact with Matumbi and Swahili Bantu believers in Christ, and that as they begin to see how broad the fellowship of the Body of Christ is, they will be strengthened to proclaim the gospel to their neighbors and families.

Wonderful news!

Praise God for a Tanzania believer who has been working among the Ndengereko people and has seen some fruit and has started several house churches! Also one of the guys on our team has a farm in the Ndengereko area and this past year has felt called to start reaching the Ndengereko people where his farm is. Several Ndengereko have since come to Christ and he helped them start to meet regularly and will continue to disciple and train them to make disciples. Pray for these new believers to grow strong in the Lord and share the good things God has done for them.

Search Leading to Jesus

Pray that the Ndengereko will become deeply dissatisfied with Islam, with secularism, with materialism, and with witchcraft. Pray that their search will lead them to Jesus, and that they will not fear what man can do to them if they choose to put their faith in Him.

Believers and Churches

Pray for the Ndengereko to hear the gospel, come to faith in Christ, be discipled, and form vibrant, strong churches that multiply all along the coast of Tanzania. Pray for a wide movement to Christ among the Ndengereko. Pray that those who have opposed Christ in the past will receive Him soon.

Read and Understand

Pray for those Ndengereko who own Bibles to read them and understand the word. Pray that those who have Christian friends would hear the gospel from them. Pray for the Ndengereko to be dissatisfied with Islam and eager to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Pray that strong, vibrant, Christ-centered churches will be planted among them.

Read and Hear the Word of God

Please pray that the Ndengereko will read the Word of God and hear it from Christians of other tribes who live around them. Pray that the testimony of those who saw, heard, and handled the Word of Life will speak powerfully in their hearts to convince them the testimony is true. Pray that they will come into fellowship with Jesus and His people.


Father, seek the Ndengereko who are wandering like lost sheep. The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. He has entrusted to us the Word of reconciliation. Please save those who need to be reconciled to You.


Pray again for the Lord to send ambassadors of the gospel to the Ndengereko people so they may hear and be saved.

Preach and Love

Pray for the Ndengereko people who need the gospel of Jesus Christ and a reproducing Christ-centered church. How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Pray for those who will be sent to preach and love and share the gospel with the Ndengereko.

That Christians Will Go

Pray for Christians to live among the Ndengereko people in order to share the gospel with them. Pray for the Lord to break down the resistance and reluctance of the Ndengereko to come to Christ. Pray that the Lord will send His Word to them in many forms and ways, so they can learn that anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved.


Pray that those believers among the Ndengereko who are being called by God to share the gospel with neighbors and with their families will obey the Holy Spirit, even if they face persecution for Jesus’ sake. Pray that their courageous witness will impress those who see and will convince them that the gospel is true.

A Movement of Conviction

Praise the Lord for the few believers who live among the Ndengereko. Pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit to convict the Ndengereko of sin, righteousness and judgment, and that many of them will put their faith in Jesus Christ for their salvation.

Just a Start

They were an unreached tribe. Christians went and shared the good news, and a small group of believers began gathering. For a while, there were baptisms and even a small church. But the missionaries and church outreach workers have all left. More are needed in order to complete this good work that began and then halted. Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send them.

May They Grow

Please pray that the Ndengereko who have come to faith in Christ will continue to grow in their understanding of the word of God. Pray that they will gather faithfully for worship every week. Pray that they may share the gospel with their neighbors. Pray that other Christians from different tribes may live among the Ndengereko and be proactive in sharing the gospel with them. Pray for a strong, reproducing church.

Multiply and Grow Strong

Please pray that the Ndengereko believers and churches would multiply and grow strong, and that God would send more evangelists, pastors and missionaries to carry the good news of Christ to them.

Other Believers

Pray for the Ndengereko to meet believers from other tribes who share with them the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray that they recognize it is the truth and believe in Him.

Similar Languages

The Ndengereko and the M people have languages that are similar. Pray that believers from the M tribe will share the gospel of Christ with the Ndengereko, and that many new churches will be planted through their witness.

Light of Christ

Please pray for this Muslim majority people, who drove missionaries away with violence in the past. Pray that the light of Christ would penetrate their darkness and they would recognize the Savior of the world, the eternal King, from whom no deed is hidden and to whom all will give an account.

Jesus the Savior

Please pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal to the Ndengereko at Christmas time that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the World, sent to liberate the captives and give sight to the blind.

Becoming Strong

Please pray for the Ndengereko of Tanzania to welcome and receive Christians who want to share the gospel with them, and pray that the few churches will become strong in the Word of God, in evangelism, and in discipleship. Pray for more churches to be planted to the glory of God.

Growing and Planting

The Ndengereko are a people group who have a lot of contact with other tribes and who are growing in their willingness to consider Christianity instead of blindly following Islam. Please pray for the faithful African pastor who shepherds the Ndengereko church in a main village, that the Lord will enable his congregation to grow and to plant other churches in villages that still need the gospel.

A Christ-Centered Church

Please pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit among the Ndengereko people to bring them to faith in Christ, and that they might have a reproducing, indigenous, Christ-centered church.

Move Mightily

A church has been planted among the Ndengereko, and there is a great need for more. Please pray that the Lord will move mightily by the Holy Spirit to bring the Ndengereko people to faith in Christ and that each village will have a church for Ndengereko believers to attend.

More Needed

Please pray that God will raise up more Christians to go live among the Ndengereko and share the gospel with them. Praise the Lord for several recent baptisms, and for a faithful Tanzanian evangelist who has stayed with the Ndengereko for several years although the western missionaries left. Praise God for the small church that has begun and is continuing on.

More To Share the Gospel

Praise the Lord for those Ndengereko who have come to know Christ. Please pray that the Lord will send more Christians to live among them and share the gospel. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to the Ndengereko.

Gentle and Humble

Please pray for the Ndengereko to be delivered from their sins and come in faith to the Saviour. Pray that the Christians who go to live among them and share the gospel will be protected from harm. Pray that light will penetrate their darkness and they will come to know the Saviour who is “gentle and humble of heart,” and that they will become like Him.

Light of the World

Please pray that the darkness and hardness of heart that is keeping Ndengereko people captive to Satan will be illuminated by Jesus, the light of the world. Pray that those who believe in Him will no longer walk in darkness but will walk in the light of life, and that others will come to know Him too.

Free Indeed

May the Spirit penetrate the hearts of the Ndengereko, bringing them into adoption, freeing them from being slaves to bondage, setting them free from fear, and allowing them to cry out, “Abba, Father.”

Ambassadors Needed

Pray that the Spirit will raise up Christians to take the Word of God to the Ndengereko, who are still largely Muslim. Pray for the Lord to send His ambassadors and representatives to love them and share the gospel. Pray that their hearts will be ready to receive it and bear fruit.

Common Violence

Violence is common in the Ndengereko tribe, and security in some villages is minimal. Please pray that the gospel will spread rapidly among the Ndengereko people, and that the Prince of peace will change that culture from lawlessness to dignity and respect.

Through Them

Pray that through the witness of those who have come to faith in Christ, many more Ndengereko will be saved. Pray that they will continue to stand firm and not return to the practice of Islam.

A Special Campaign

Praise the Lord for two new godly evangelists who are providing leadership to the Ndengereko believers. Praise Him that our Nigerian teammates, who still work on the coast, have been active in a campaign that saw every household in the village receive a Swahili/Arabic New Testament. Praise the Lord that the believers are not discouraged, that they have not returned to their old lives now that they have found Jesus! Pray that the church wouldn’t lose their saltiness. That their light would shine before the community, so that they may see their good works and give glory to the Father who is in heaven.

Losing Language

The Ndengereko are gradually losing their distinctive language and culture as they mingle and mix with the coastal Swahili of Tanzania. As they loosen old traditions and ties, may they acquire new loyalties and a new culture by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Singing His Songs

The Ndengereko believers created Scripture songs from the earliest days of their faith. Pray they will continue to learn Scripture, compose songs, and that those songs will spread far and wide and bring others to faith in Christ.

Crossing Cultures for Jesus

Pray that the local churches in the Ndengereko villages are convicted and equipped to speak boldly about their faith to their Muslim neighbors who are the local Ndengereko people. The churches are filled with people from other tribes, that have been sent to work in those places. We pray that they would see the Great Commission is for them. We pray that the Ndengereko believers would also have the courage to stand boldly, publicly acknowledging faith in Christ as their Savior.

The Church as a Light in a Muslim community

Pray for the church in Ruaruke. The Lord continues to bless them with marriages, births, a working well, and community projects starting up. Pray that they would be a light and that they would use these blessings to bless their neighbors.

Pray for churches that are engaging the Ndengereko

Rejoice that there are 3 local churches engaging the Ndengereko in one village. Pray for their market evangelism campaigns, that they would glorify God and draw the seekers to them. Pray for unity in the churches. One church in particular is struggling with internal conflicts that have the potential to divide the church.

Pray for blessings over the Ndengereko

Would you pray Psalm 67 with us over the Ndengereko… (words changed for prayer)
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among the Ndengereko. Let the Ndengereko praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the Ndengereko be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the Ndengereko with equity and guide the nations upon earth. Let the Ndengereko praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; let all the ends of the earth fear him!