Wisdom to Fear the Lord

Job 28:28: “And He said to the human race, ‘The fear of the Lord-that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”

There is little fear of God in Karamoja. There is more fear of the devil and of curses, but Jesus is thought of by people who have heard about Him as a kind of Santa Claus. Please pray that our Father will pour out His Spirit of the fear of the Lord on the Karimojong to make them wise. Pray that He gives them revelation of His holiness and power so that they are in awe of Him, shun evil, and their fear of the enemy is broken. Pray that the Karimojong not only see but personally know our mighty Father for who He is.

Pray for good shepherds

Ezekiel 34 speaks about shepherds and verse 8 talks about the shepherds neglecting the sheep- they were taking care of themselves and not the sheep. In v. 11 the Lord says He Himself will look for His sheep and take care of them.
Evangelism happens here and people raise their hands to accept Jesus, and then the people holding the crusades leave, and leave the baby sheep to fend for themselves. Please pray for the few Christ-followers among the Kjong to have the Father’s heart for their fellow sheep.


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness; they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6

A common Karimojong greeting is “Akorro,” which means “hunger,” even if they have just finished a plate of food. And yet, while their spirits starve, they have no hunger for Jesus or desire to know more about Him if He won’t give them health and wealth. Please pray for God to bless the Karimojong by pouring out His Spirit of hunger and thirst for righteousness! Please pray that they will have the hunger and thirst to then eat the Living Bread that came down from heaven, and drink the water from which they will never be thirsty again and which wells up to eternal life.

Pray that God’s peace and prosperity flow like a river in Karamoja

Please join me in praying Isaiah 48:17-18 for the Karimojong people. That they would truly know God as their Redeemer, they would know Him as the Holy One, they would let the Holy Spirit teach them and lead them in the way they should go.
Pray that they would pay attention to His commands and as a result that righteousness would light up this region and God would be glorified in changed lives.

May the people here the true gospel

Pray for the people who call themselves Christian in Karamoja to preach the salvation message of Jesus Christ and not a message of good works to get into heaven. Please join us in interceding that this false gospel will lose power here and the true gospel of grace would be known and received.

False teaching

Please pray for the karimojong who are seeking the truth to be protected from false teaching, and that they will reject the false teaching they have already received. It came to light that most of the engaged karimojong  believe that satan sends people to hell not God, which gives him power he does not in truth possess. Many more such things are coming to light. As scripture is used to dispute lies, pray that the truth of God’s Word would find fertile soil and that the fruit would be strong and resilient against the wiles of the evil one.

refreshing in a dry land

Please join us in praying Isaiah 35 for the Karimojong people. We are seeing the wastelands in souls being refreshed and blossoming with the joy of the Lord. Doors are opening as never before to share about His good news and the abundance that comes from changed hearts and lives. May His glory be displayed and received. Please pray for God to strengthen those who have tired hands and hearts, and weak knees from the labors. Thank you for praying.

Light vs darkness

The kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness do not mix; they clash and display their powers. Thanks be to Jesus for He has the victory; light is not overcome by darkness. Evidence of the darkness shows in the communities about- a young man was sacrificed because he was accused of withholding the rain, then heavy rain fell, so the people feel justified in their actions. Please pray for the Light to shine.

Thanking Elohim with joy

God is answering prayers! A group of manyattas in the bush about 20 minutes by car from Moroto are asking for church to happen weekly. The first Sunday the missionary and his interpreter showed up, 10 men and women knelt and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. They repented of their sins and desire to walk in a new life. The missionary and Lokiru John have started bible study on Thursdays. The first one, the people were ready and waiting 45 minutes before it was to start! There were about 35 or more adults wanting to learn about Jesus. Please pray that foundational truth would become life and reality for these people. The spring rains have not come, the place is like a desert, but the Lord is watering souls. Praise God for He is good, His love endures forever!

Precious beginnings

A small group of believers and seekers is meeting in Singila, Moroto. Pray for pastor Raphael and his wife Susan as they shepherd the flock. Pray for Antony, a Karimojong believer, who is being mentored by the pastor to be his assistant. Pray for the believers and seekers to attend church and Bible study faithfully. They struggle with hunger, evil spirits, and malaria, which prevent them from coming.

Turning from idolatry

Please join us in praying that the Karimojong would be like the believers in Thessalonica and turn from their idols to serve the living and true God, even when it means enduring severe suffering from their fellow tribesmen for doing so. 1 Thes. 1

Praise for fruit in the lives of some Karimojong

Praise the Lord for the few that are truly understanding the relationship that they have received through accepting Christ’s sacrifice for their sins. They have a true hunger to know Jesus better through the Word of God.
Pray that this hunger spreads as these believers share what they’re learning with their people.

Warm welcome

Pray for the Karimojong to warmly welcome the new teams and help them learn language and culture. Ask the Lord to open hearts to the Good News the teams are bringing.

The Holy Spirit is moving

There is an excitement among the prisoners and wardens (guards) at the Moroto Regional Prison as they are grasping the truth that with Christ in them, they can live as He did on earth. Please pray that the seed that has been sown will find fertile soil and that nothing can snatch the truth of God’s Word away from their minds and hearts. Please join us in praying that this truth with spread through Karamoja.


Reports are coming in of Karimojong coming to repentance and asking for salvation through Jesus! Pray for disciples to be formed and discipleship programs to be in place to root those asking for salvation. Pray that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened so that they will know and cherish the hope to which our Lord Jesus has called them….(Eph. 1:18)

Praise report

Rev. Raymond Bukenya a Muganda, missionary serving in Moroto gives this report from Christmas day:

For the first time, we baptised 25 inmates who had been through the Baptism Preparation Class. I shared on the true essence of Christmas. The day God gave us the opportunity, through His Son, to see His Face, and His Grace that we all needed so desperately because of our entanglement in sin!

At the end of my Sermon, in which I challenged my friends to receive the Son, the Child who is given for our Redemption, 3 other inmates surrendered their Lives to the Saviour of all Mankind! Led them in prayer, and they joined in to receive baptism! Total baptized Christmas day was 28 inmates! They all received Bibles.




Youth Bible Conference

Please pray for the youth in Karamoja as they meet together in Lotome for a 3 day conference. May accurate and anointed Bible teaching be there and that the Holy Spirit as teacher would move through these young adults and teenagers.

Praying for hearts of gratitude

Isaiah 51:3 -The Lord will comfort Israel again and have pity on her ruins. Her desert will blossom like Eden, her barren wilderness like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.

Please join me in praying that as God’s Word takes root in the lives of those He calls in Karamoja, that a spirit of thankfulness will permeate this region and change it’s spiritual makeup to have thanksgiving to God and as a foundation gratitude for His mercy.

True understanding of the Gospel

Please pray for the Karimojong to understand the true gospel of Jesus Christ rather then add Christianity as another layer to their existing animistic beliefs in an attempt to seek blessings or to avoid curses. That they would be willing to break from their culture when Christianity conflicts with it, even though it may invite discomfort, rejection, or persecution.

Prayer for Karimojong believers

Asking for prayer for Karimojong who say they are believers in Christ, to understand 1 Thes. 4;11-12 “Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live and you will not need to depend on others.” The cycle of dependency in Karamoja cripples this society, and is endemic in the thinking of most all Kjong people.

Intercession for the Karimojong

Ephesians 6:12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood {contending only with physical opponents}, but against the despotisms, against the powers, against {the master spirits who are} the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere. We would request intercession for the Karimojong and those who are discipling them with this truth in mind. The opposition to truth here appears oppressively overwhelming at times.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Asking for prayer for Karimojong who say they are believers in Christ, to understand 1 Thes. 4;11-12 “Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live and you will not need to depend on others.” The cycle of dependency in Karamoja cripples this society, and is endemic in the thinking of most all Kjong people.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Ephesians 6:12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood {contending only with physical opponents}, but against the despotisms, against the powers, against {the master spirits who are} the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere. We would request intercession for the Karimojong and those who are discipling them with this truth in mind. The opposition to truth here appears oppressively overwhelming at times.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Praise the Lord for a few genuine believers rising out of the red dust of Karamoja! All over Karamoja, there are some committing their lives to Jesus, please keep praying for discipleship to root and ground these believers in Biblical truth and that these believers will have the courage to live according to Bible culture not Kjong tradition. May the traditional powers that are valued: pride, deceit, thievery, murder, and self be broken in this land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

As discipleship is being initiated, pray for those who are discipling, that they would beat with the heart of Father God for these souls, and have self discernment so that nothing can distract them from growing others into the soil of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Over the New Year, we have had at least 40 prisoners, 5 women the rest men, ask to receive Jesus as Christ and Lord, The same week, at a youth conference, at least 20-30 teenagers/young adults also gave their lives to Christ. PLEASE pray for discipleship to be initiated with all of these people, that the seed would be watered and grow into fruit that gives glory to God.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Please join me in prayng this passage of scripture for Karamoja. I was strongly impressed by the Spirit this morning that this is for the Kjong people and land, a place that is known as “The Land of Thorns”: Isaiah 55:11-13 It is the same with My Word. I send it wout and it will always produce fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to and it will prosper everywhere I send it. You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, andthe trees of the field will clap their hands! Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name and they will be a sing of His everlasting power and love.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

A few Saturdays ago was Karamoja Cultural Day (the second annual one) and it was centered here in Moroto, where a shrine was built and a bull sacrificed with all the horror of the animistic ceremony imaginable, to the delight of onlookers. This had not been planned by the committee nor approved by the mayor we are told. My heart was so grieved by all the spectators photographing this destructive embrace. The elders constructed it on grounds between two christian churchs. I did write about this in July.
The Bishop of the Church we attend, this last Sunday, August 9th, spoke about the spiritual warfare this act brought with the enemy basically setting up camp between the churches. He did a very good job on explaining what idolatry was and sacrificing to demons with scriptures in 1 Cor. 10:1-22 and Psalms 106:34-43. He was able to draw very relevant parallels between Israel not destroying the worship of idols and God allowing their choices to destroy them as well to the Kjong doing the same thing.
August 17-21, a convocation between all the churches in Karamoja is taking place here in Moroto, to stand for unity in Christ, and the Bishop feels that this act by the traditional elders happened as a battle cry in the spiritual realm against this convocation.
In less than 2-3 hours after his sermons, 3 services, the bishop had begun being verbally assaulted from so many people-including those saying they are christians but see nothing wrong with the shrines.
Please, Please, join in this heavenly battle for this land!!

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

https://www.facebook.com/DailyMonitor/posts/10153031704597197 This is a link about a young girl beaten severely for refusing to marry a 78 year old man. Please pray for the mindset of these people to change. The man interviewed is in Moroto district and his excuse for this is poverty. But Rupa is the worst subdistrict for alcoholism and none working adults, so the poverty is in their mindset which plays out into life.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Last Saturday, July 18th, was Karamoja Cultural Day and it was centered here in Moroto. This was the 2nd annual celebration of the Karimojong culture. This year it was organized for a shrine to be built on the parade grounds and a bull was sacrificed by the elders with all the horror of the animistic ceremony imaginable, to the delight of onlookers. In addition, a group from the clan of Moroto district, orchastrated the ritual of kidnapping a girl, and forcing her to marry one of their members, complete with blood drinking and the worship that goes with forcing her into a new family. The Karimojong people so need the move of the Holy Spirit in their lives. My heart was so grieved by all the spectators, many from other parts of Uganda, photographing the event as though it was entertainment. The Karimojong seem not to grasp that these rituals only affirm the subhuman association the rest of Uganda has of them. Please pray that this darkness that is destroy the souls of many Karimojong would flee from the light of Christ. That the few true Christ followers among the Karimojong would rise up and truly beat with Christ’s heart for their fellow tribesmen.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Pray that the Cross of Christ would be unveiled to the karimojong people. That His atonement for their sin and their redemption through Christ would be understood and received by these precious people.
2 Corinthains 3:16-17 But whenever a person turns in repentance to the Lord, the veil is stripped off and taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Thank you to every one who are interceding for the karimojong people. God is moving here and we affirm Psalm 24:1 that the Karimojong people belong to Him and will know Him and give Him their lives and serve Him with all their hearts in the Truth of His Word!!!

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Jeremiah 3:15 Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding. NASB Please join us in praying for true shepherds who will give their lives for their flock because they are Jesus followers. Pray that the heresy that is prevelant here because conversion was the priority and not discipleship would evaporate and the living water would run fresh and deep and be received!

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Please join me in praying Acts 26:18 for the Karimojong people-that their eyes would be opened so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of satan to God. That they would truly understand the message of the Gospel and receive forgiveness for their sins and a place among God’s people who are set apart by faith in Jesus.
That false teaching that calls itself Christianity would lose its hold and power and people would truly come to Christ with transformed lives being the result.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

Isaiah 40:3-5 Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, “Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God! Fill in the valleys and level the mountains and hills. Straighten the cucrves and smooth out the rough places. Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. The Lord has spoken.”
Join us in praying this for Moroto district, specifically for us to have inroads with the Moroto police, who have welcomed us in for Bible study but have not shown up for any but one of these times. May the glory of the Lord be revealed and all the tribes of Uganda see it and embrace it together.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

We are praising the Lord that the Karimajong has now been defined as an Unreached people group, which has been our reality while here in Moroto District. Please Pray Ez. 47:1-12 for this land, as we fully believe that our Elohim is preparing this land and people to be fruit of His for the rest of the world.

Update on The Karimojong of Uganda

As Mark 4:14-20 are being lived here in Karamoja, please pray that the seed falls on good soil and will receive it, let the roots of God’s love go deep and bring forth fruit that is pleasing to God and lasts eternally.

Update on The Karamoja of Uganda

Please pray Romans 12:1-2 for all those in Karamoja who say they are Christians, that following Christ would be reflected by transformation into Christ’s character. That the mind and heart would be transformed into the living light of Christ.