One chapter a day

There is a Digo woman named Mwana Amina. She has requested to receive one chapter of the Bible, starting from the book of Matthew, in English via WhatsApp every day, and she reads it. This morning, she sent me a message saying, “Thank you, I have learned a lot today. I didn’t know all of it! God bless you.” Please pray for her that she loves and eagerly consumes the Word of God, and grows in her salvation.

Two Digo men

Two Digo men, one is named Juma, the other Ali. Juma stated that, having embraced Jesus as his Savior, he believes his faith will empower him to stand firm even if facing persecution from his Islamic neighbors. When Ali heard the Gospel, he accepted Jesus into his heart and openly confessed Him as his Savior, unaffected by the presence of his friends. Let’s pray for Juma and Ali to thrive in their faith, and encounter Christians who can support their growth in the Word of God.

Embrace Jesus

Please pray for Baba Suleiman, a Digo man, and his wife from the Druma tribe. His wife has Christian background and his mother-in-law is a believer. He has been exploring the teaching of Jesus. Please lift him, his wife, and their ten children in your prayer, asking for the grace and understanding to embrace Jesus as their Savior.

Source of Hope and Salvation

Pray for Mama Hamisi, a Digo woman, who attended church seeking healing for her sick child. Although her daughter has not experienced physical healing, Mama Hamisi continues to listen to the word of God. Please pray for Mama Hamisi and her daughter, asking that they come to know Jesus as their ultimate source of hope and salvation.

Pastor John

Pray for Pastor John, who will graduate from Bible school on November 24th 2023. Pray that he becomes a faithful pastor and continues to proclaim the Gospel to the Digo people as a minister of God and that God sends faithful partners who will join him in delivering God’s word to Digo tribe.

Know Jesus more

Please pray for the Digo children who came weekly to our Sunday school programs, that they would continue to seek to hear the Bible and want to know Jesus more.

Accepted Christ!

Pastor John and pastor Daudi are continuing to deliver the Gospel to the Digo. Just the other day, there was a Digo man who accepted Christ! Please pray that he will grow in faith. Please also be praying for the two pastors that they would continue to be eager to deliver the Gospel to the Digo.

Evangelizing on Saturday

Three local pastors gather together every Saturday. We share the Word of God with each other and go out to spread the gospel. Please pray for us that God may fill us with the Holy Spirit, increase our passion for the lost, and empower us to boldly proclaim His truth. Pray that the Digo tribe receives the gospel, comes out of darkness into the light, and is transformed by the power of the Word, bringing glory to Him.

Become Jesus’ disciple

Please pray for a Digo man named ‘Saul’. He continues to come to my house to read Bible every morning. Please pray for him to be born again and be Jesus’ disciple.

Let the children come

Please pray for the 10 Digo children who come to my house every Sunday to listen to the Word of God. Please pray for them to know who Jesus is and accept Him as their Savior. Also please pray for their parents to continue to allow them to come to our house without hindering.

Word of God

I would like to give thanks to God for helping two local pastors (one is a Digo pastor) to read the whole Bible during August last year and to study the Westminster Shorter Catechism in a week last December. Pray the word of God would dwell in them richly.
A local pastor and I go out to deliver the Gospel to the Digo tribe every Saturday. In the morning we study Systematic theology and in the afternoon we go to far away places to meet the people inland. Pray for many to believe our message.

Reading through the Bible

There are two local pastors (including a Digo pastor) starting their monthly plan to read through the whole Bible starting August 1st. They do not have much knowledge on the Bible. Please pray that they will be able to complete reading through the Bible by the end of August and, most importantly, know more about God and grow closer to Him during this time. (They are reading around 70 chapters a day!)

Be strong in faith

Pray for the few believers to be strong in faith and faithful in sharing the Truth they’ve learned with others.


Pray the Lord will strengthen the little church among the Digo, filling the believers with His Spirit, encouraging and strengthening each one, and granting grace to many more to believe.

Rooted in God’s words

A Digo woman named Suzan has been doing Bible study for about 3 months. Please pray that her faith will be rooted and built up in God’s words so that she will grow into a channel of the Gospel to her neighbors, overcoming the fear of building relationships with her Muslim neighbors.

Seeking Jesus

Pray for one young man whom I’ve shared with, who has started being discipled weekly by a Christian leader. This young man has even started attending church. He is a young man that gave me much insight into the Digo worldview and I am excited that he recently reached out again and wants to seek Jesus.

Two Jumas

One of my village friends named Juma watched the Jesus film with his family a month ago. He told me that Jesus is the Savior, He is the only way to heaven! Please pray for him to thirst for Jesus and His words and find the Living Water.
Another Juma is a Kiswahili language teacher who checks the weekly Bible story. Please pray for him to know Jesus and accept Him as his Savior.

Needing healing

Mzee Hamisi is suffering from tuberculosis. We continually visit him and sing hymns together and pray together in the name of Jesus with his wife. Please pray for him and his family to come to Jesus and for Mzee Hamisi’s health.

New Workers

Praise the Lord for new Christian workers who have arrived to share the good news with the Digo! Pray that they will meet people whose hearts have been prepared by the Holy Spirit to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Pray that many will be saved and discipled through them.

Joy in Serving Together

Pray for coordination and cooperation and wisdom for those missionaries, evangelists and pastors who are living among the Digo people, that the Holy Spirit will give them great effectiveness in evangelism and that He will give them joy in serving together.

Past and Future

Please pray that the Digo people will welcome missionaries who come to teach them about Jesus. Pray for more missionaries to come work among them. Pray that as they have been known for their zeal for Islam in the past, in the future they will be known for their zeal for Jesus.


Pray that as the Digo people have been known for their zeal for Islam, that in the future they will be famous for their zeal for Jesus Christ. Pray that during this Ramadan month He will reveal Himself to them as the powerful sovereign Savior and Lord.

Slowly Multiplying

The Digo believers are slowly multiplying. Some have suffered difficult persecution and ostracism because of their faith in Jesus. Please pray that in 2021 the power of Islam among the Digo will be broken and many new believers will zealously follow the Savior into eternal life. Pray for the missionaries who live among them to be greatly encouraged by how God works.


“They have a zeal for God but not according to knowledge.” This is also a description of the Digo people. Please pray that as they have zealously clung to Islam, in the future they will have a reputation for being zealous for Jesus.


Lord, bring the Digo out of darkness and into Your marvelous light. Deliver them from the domain of darkness and transfer them to the Kingdom of Your beloved Son. Give them redemption, the forgiveness of their sins.

Unlocking the Hearts

Pray for the Digo of Kenya and Tanzania to meet many Christians from other tribes who do not look down on them but who love them with the compassion of Jesus. Pray that the friendship and kindness of those Christians will be the key to unlock the hearts of the Digo to Jesus. Pray that the Word of God will be shared freely and that anyone who might try to prevent Digo people who are seeking salvation will not be able to hold them back or intimidate them.

More and More of Them

Praise the Lord that while the Digo people were still sinners, Christ died for them, and that some Digo will stand before the Lamb’s throne one day praising Him for that salvation. Pray that more and more Digo will reject Islam and embrace Jesus as their Savior and only Hope.

Softer Attitude

The Digo have been known for their resistance to the gospel and adherence to Islam. Pray that they will instead be known for their zeal for Jesus. Pray for the Christians who work among them to notice a softer attitude, a hunger and thirst to be set free, a desire to love and be loved by the living God. Pray for many to be saved.

Possibly Coming

A missionary couple hopes to come visit the Digo soon to see if they might work among them long-term. This would be a huge encouragement to other Christian workers and Digo believers who are few. Please pray for the Lord to enable their travel and speak to their hearts as they explore possibilities for ministry.

Waiting for Workers to Come

The Digo are waiting for more Christian workers to come live among them and share the gospel. Pray for doors that hinder to be flung wide open and for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to the Digo.

Zealous for Jesus

Please pray again that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, soon they will display even more zeal for Jesus. Pray for one particular young Digo man who has become a believer in Christ and is being discipled. Pray that he may reach many others with the gospel. Pray also for the few Christian outreach workers who live among the Digo, that they may stay strong and continue to share the gospel without losing heart.

Strangely Dissatisfying

Please pray that the Digo people will find that Ramadan this year has been strangely dissatisfying. Pray that they will realize Islam has not brought them peace nor the hope of eternal life. Pray that they will long to know the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Pray that they will find Him and follow Him zealously.

Sealed Shut

The Digo are fearful of the coronavirus. Their county has been sealed shut and unbelievers have no certainty of salvation. Please pray that during this time of fear and suspicion, the believers in Christ will shine because of their bold hope of eternal life, and that the Digo, who have been zealous in the past for Islam, will become zealous for Christ.

A Mighty Flame

Pray for the Digo who have been listening to the gospel and the Scriptures to realize the fallacies of Islam and put their trust in Jesus Christ as their only way to God. Pray that their zeal for Him and their love for Him will be a mighty flame. Pray that many churches may be established in all the Digo villages, so that everyone has an opportunity to hear the gospel.

Zealous People

A number of Christian workers have recently had to leave the Digo. Please pray for many more to replace them, for believers in Christ to go live among the Digo and share the gospel and teach Scripture. Pray that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam in the past, soon they will become known for an even greater zeal for Christ.

Great Joy and Warm Welcome

Praise the Lord for Emmanuel, God with us, and God with the Digo. Pray that as Digo believers celebrate the birth of Christ together, there will be great joy. Pray their celebration and warm welcome to their Muslim neighbors will open hearts to welcome Jesus in.

Zeal for Jesus

Praise the Lord for outreaches that are continuing among the Digo and that a small Digo church continues to meet even though the missionaries have left. Pray for the Digo to turn to Jesus, that as they have been known for their zeal for Islam, they will become known for their zeal for Jesus Christ.

Struggling to Remain Strong

The believers among the Digo are still struggling to remain strong. Pray for strength among the believers who are remaining in villages that missionaries used to live in. They have asked for more missionaries to come alongside them but right now pray that they will rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them and encourage them.

Zealous Indeed

The Digo of Kenya and Tanzania have been known in the past for being extremely zealous for Islam. But more and more of them are coming to faith in Christ. Please pray that in the future they will become known for their extreme zeal and love for Jesus.